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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/9 9:44:22 Edit(编辑)
He distributed free tickets for the farewell speech, the results were scalpers selling, each sold for $5000

He distributed free tickets for the farewell speech, the results were scalpers selling, each sold for $5000(奥巴马告别演讲门票免费发放,结果被黄牛抢光,每张卖到5000美元)



He distributed free tickets for the farewell speech, the results were scalpers selling, each sold for $5000-industry news-IT news

People's daily online news, according to the United States in Chinese comprehensive report, outgoing Obama speech will be held on the 10th in Chicago, tickets distributed free in Chicago the morning of the 8th. Thousands of fans braved the cold Obama, began lining up early this morning, although Chicago day temperature of 3 degrees Fahrenheit, but still could not prevent the popular enthusiasm.

Waiting for tickets to the public. China Visual

Reported, in fact, although the invoice until 8th, at 8 o'clock in the morning, but many people are enthusiastic, rushed to the place of draft less than 6 o'clock. McCormick Place of issued tickets released Twitter 6:56 A.M. local time, said issuing a speech's location has a lot of people waiting in line, if present, also a team, you may not get the tickets. Chicago Police announced at 7 in the morning, said anyone in line has been over, hasn't anyone in line would not have to go out.

Obama tickets for the farewell speech. China Visual

Because each person can only obtain a tickets for the speech, many people rushed to the scene in less than 4 o'clock line. Because lecture tickets were quickly snapped, was released on the Internet after someone got the ticket, some on Craiglist bid per ticket, $2500, it was even out of the $10,000 price, selling two tickets. These tickets are easy, according to a sell-out crowd of people, his 3:30 went to line up until 6 o'clock the door after waiting for two hours, to receive two tickets.

Besides fried ticket scalpers outside, and some people have to "reasonable prices" transfer tickets. Public tickets after the discovery, pulling up at the moment his work, transfer pricing as $50 tickets. Have a lot of admiration for Obama said, Obama's speeches have always been inspiring and want to be able to grasp the chance and see BAMA style.

奥巴马告别演讲门票免费发放,结果被黄牛抢光,每张卖到5000美元 - 业界动态 - IT资讯



据报道事实上,虽然8日早晨8点才开始发票,但是不少民众热情高涨,不到6点就赶往发票地点。发放票的McCormick Place当地时间凌晨6点56分发布推特,称发放演讲票的地点已经很多人在排队,如果现在还排不到队,那么可能就拿不到票了。而芝加哥警方在早上7点则宣布,称现场排队的人已经超额,还没来排队的人就不用出门了。




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