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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/8 9:12:51 Edit(编辑)
This egg is older than Confucius,

This egg is older than Confucius,(这罐鸡蛋年龄比孔子还大,)



This eggs-eggs older than Confucius-IT information

According to understand, so-called "Zhou eggs", unearthed Yu from this more than 2,800 years of Zhou tombs, then hole master are also didn't was born, accident found a pottery tank inside actually loaded full has eggs, due to era long, pottery tank in of eggs are has petrochemical, for protection heritage of consider, South Bo aspects no will these eggs extraction out, from storage to exhibition keep with unearthed Shi of original.

"Watching on eggshells, seemingly still home-made egg, I do not know how? "Some reasoned analysis:" raw, pickled, salted egg to seal ", also suggested to extract DNA, hatching chicks of Western Zhou dynasty ... ... So far, this tank known as the Chinese discovered the earliest eggs has been in the south corner of blog History Museum, harvesting numerous audience wonder and worship.

这罐鸡蛋年龄比孔子还大 - 鸡蛋 - IT资讯



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