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aaa published in(发表于) 2017/1/8 9:12:42 Edit(编辑)
18 years old boys live sex-change operation: share the same women,

18 years old boys live sex-change operation: share the same women,(18岁男孩直播变性手术:与网友分享变女性过程,)



18 years old boys live sex-change operation: share women-surgery-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT News January 8, in developed countries, the gender identity tend to nurture young people agree that United States boys Emmie Smith is one such person, he always thought they should be women, and finally in the 18-year-olds that day, he selected for sex reassignment surgery, and the presence of a photographer, and "live" this process.

Emmie Smith

According to the daily mail, Emmie invited National Geographic photographer Lynn Johnson recorded his surgery, as well as myself and my family are going to face degeneration process, and she hopes that more people will be brave enough to accept her.

18岁男孩直播变性手术:与网友分享变女性过程 - 变性手术 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯讯 1月8日,在发达国家,年轻人们对性别的认同越来越趋向于后天认同,美国男孩Emmie Smith就是这样一个人,他一直认为自己应该是女性,终于在18岁成人这天,他选择进行变性手术,并且有摄影师在场,“直播”了这一过程。

Emmie Smith

据每日邮报报道,Emmie邀请国家地理摄影师Lynn Johnson记录下了自己的手术过程,以及自己和家人是怎么面对变性过程的,她希望更多的人能够勇敢地接受自己。

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