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published in(发表于) 2017/1/6 16:41:26 Edit(编辑)
“Face recognition“ Windows Media DRM: mosaic face of “Kamui“ crash,

“Face recognition“ Windows Media DRM: mosaic face of “Kamui“ crash,(“人脸识别”轻松破解:马赛克人脸“神衣”让系统崩溃,)



"Face recognition" Windows Media DRM: mosaic face of "Kamui" crash-facial recognition, face brush-IT information

Href = "" target= "_blank" >IT information on January 6, facial recognition is a popular way of safety certification, the advantage is that users don't need to remember complex passwords, just put your face on the professional cameras can successfully unlock, implement the login requirement, convenient, fast and accurate. But this does not mean that "brush face" expression.

At the 33C3 meeting held last week, face recognition-cracking project sponsor of the Hyperface Adam Harvey said in the pattern printed on the clothing look like human faces, to overload the face recognition algorithms, you can achieve the purpose of crack identification system.

? Recognition system is also estimated at intense phobia ... ... Count the total number of faces?

As can be seen from the diagram, these patterns similar to the face using a mosaic approach, which leads to recognition system to identify recognition, enter an endless loop, achieve the purpose of system crashes. The principle is similar to the current army camouflage against common mosaic satellite identification.

“人脸识别”轻松破解:马赛克人脸“神衣”让系统崩溃 - 面部识别,刷脸 - IT资讯

href="" target="_blank">IT资讯1月6日消息,面部识别是目前较为流行的安全认证方式,好处在于用户无需记住复杂的密码,只需把脸对着专业摄像头就能成功解锁,实现登录等要求,方便、快速、精准。不过这并不意味着“刷脸”无懈可击。

在上周举行的33C3会议上,人脸识别破解项目Hyperface的发起人Adam Harvey称,通过在衣服上印上看起来像人脸的图案,去过载人脸识别算法,就可以达到破解识别系统的目的。



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