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published in(发表于) 2017/1/4 9:55:36 Edit(编辑)
Women public bathroom is a ridiculous live: Internet-red-not without pride,

Women public bathroom is a ridiculous live: Internet-red-not without pride,(女子公共浴室直播太荒唐:网红不能没自尊,)



Women public bathroom is a ridiculous live: reticulocyte not without pride-Live mesh red, woman-IT information

According to media reports, on December 30, 2016, a Netizen in the microblog posts reflected a woman in lingbi County, Anhui, a bathroom live video. At present, the police law, the woman made the 4th penalty of administrative detention.

Public bathroom live not only suspected of disseminating indecent information and is an infringement of the privacy of others, in our hearts and not reasonable.

In recent years, live Web development to meet ordinary people overnight, powdered gold dream at the same time, is also part of the network anchor-as-Bo eye live at show floor, a serious adverse impact on the public, in particular to the minors.

In response, on November 4, 2016, the national network Internet video service regulations enacted by the bottom line our webcast, anchor "blacklist" system are also set up. Followed, the Ministry of culture issued the network performance management activities regulations came into operation on January 1, 2017, approach, webcasting platform to have a license, identity confirmed the network anchors must be registered.

Network is not outside the law, network anchor gaming there is obviously difficult, Bo to get benefits way out. In November 2016, indecent video example is the anchorwoman was sentenced to 4 years for all practitioners of network anchor alarm lingbi County, Chen once again defy was sentenced to administrative detention 4th penalty proved once again that rule binding.

Whether it is a network anchor or platform must be a lesson, live to participants to provide presentation platforms and is built on the premise of economic interest legal basis. Whatever the purpose, all allegedly related to sex, violence, drugs, gambling, gangland headstrong live will be eliminated in the competition in the emerging market.

女子公共浴室直播太荒唐:网红不能没自尊 - 直播,网红,女主播 - IT资讯







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