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published in(发表于) 2016/5/17 9:08:32 Edit(编辑)
Tesla was accused of cheap foreign labour, only US $ 5 per hour,

Tesla was accused of cheap foreign labour, only US $ 5 per hour,(特斯拉遭指控:廉价使用外国劳工,每小时仅给5美元,)



Tesla was accused of cheap foreign labour, only US $ 5 per hour-Tesla, Thomas g-IT information

On May 16, United States California, news of the mercury (The Mercury News) a new report exposes used Tesla cheap immigrant workers helped the company build the Silicon Valley factory news. The Mercury News article describes a help Tesla to expand factories of Germany companies how to use the visa system will be cheaper labour in Eastern Europe introduced United States process. Allegedly, these efforts help Tesla building the factory, only paid less per hour $ 5, in contrast, United States local labour remuneration is $ 52 per hour .

In response to these allegations, Chief Executive of Tesla ailong·masike (Elon Musk) through Twitter said, " had just heard the news today. It sounds like this is a serious mistake, we will investigate and correct . ”

The Mercury News report highlights Slovenia electrical geleige·laisinike (Gregor Lesnik) story. Judith Resnik is Tesla partners Germany Eisenmann (Eisenmann) companies are hiring an employee in March 2015, a painting workshop to help decorate the Tesla. Judith Resnik at work fell from the third floor, a lot of injuries, including two broken legs. At that time, he was indirectly incurred by Tesla one of its 140 foreign labour, tourist and business visas by illegal immigrants enter United States. Judith Resnik of visas showed that he will be responsible for supervising other workers, however, into the United States zhihou, he engaged in tourism and business visas are explicitly forbidden by the actual labor.

According to the Mercury News newspaper reported today, Lesnik was charging a Tesla, ask Tesla to its compensation, in addition, he also alleges that Tesla and Eisen Corporation breach of pay and labor laws. Judith Resnik said, during his time at work for Tesla, working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, but do not receive any overtime pay . An interview with the Mercury News of other expatriates, said working conditions as described as Judith Resnik, but they expressed satisfaction with the work. Previously, other Silicon Valley companies for similar violations by United States Department of labor fined.

Tesla, and Eisenmann and Slovenia called Vuzem subcontractors denied the injury against rice Nick in charge. Tesla and even said publicly that the company unrelated to the contract with Lloyds Nick, and said in a statement that "Tesla will sometimes use third-party contractor to do short-term construction projects. In situations like this, Tesla will be signed with the general contractor cooperation agreement, this agreement allows general contractors to choose the jobs they need resources, but also after they hire, pay wages to the staff. ”

Tesla will assume its responsibilities in this incident, or what exactly will be disposed of, it remains to be seen.

特斯拉遭指控:廉价使用外国劳工,每小时仅给5美元 - 特斯拉,马斯克 - IT资讯

5月16日消息,美国加州《水星新闻报》(The Mercury News)的一篇最新报道曝光了特斯拉廉价使用外来劳工帮助该公司修建硅谷工厂的消息。《水星新闻报》的这篇文章描述了一家帮助特斯拉扩大工厂的德国合作公司如何利用签证系统将东欧廉价劳工引入美国的过程。据称,这些工作在帮助特斯拉建筑工厂时,每小时的只被支付少得可怜的5美元,与此相比,美国本土劳工的报酬则是每小时52美元

针对上述指控,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)通过Twitter发布消息称,“今天刚刚听到这一消息。听起来好像这是一个严重的错误,我们将展开调查,并加以纠正。”

《水星新闻报》的报道重点讲述了斯洛文尼亚电工格雷戈·莱斯尼克(Gregor Lesnik)的故事。莱斯尼克是特斯拉合作商德国艾森曼(Eisenmann)公司聘用的一名员工,于2015年3月帮助装修特斯拉的一个喷漆车间。莱斯尼克在工作中从三楼摔了下来,受了很多伤,包括两腿骨折等。当时,他是被特斯拉间接招致旗下的140名外籍劳工之一,也是通过非法移民旅游和商业签证而入境美国。莱斯尼克的签证表明,他将负责监督其他工人,然而,进入美国之后,他却要从事旅游和商业签证明确禁止的实际劳动。




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