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published in(发表于) 2017/1/4 9:55:19 Edit(编辑)
Attack the ticketing Web site: three for 27 dollars to buy 3,000 Shanghai Disneyland tickets,

Attack the ticketing Web site: three for 27 dollars to buy 3,000 Shanghai Disneyland tickets,(攻击票务网站:三人花27块钱买到三千张上海迪士尼门票,)



Attack the ticketing Web site: three for 27 dollars to buy 3,000 Shanghai Disneyland Tickets-Disney, hack-IT information

Return it? "Our company is to help Disney do ticket agents, in accordance with the agreed price Disney tickets from Shanghai, and then sold in their ticketing system. But I do not know what's going on, price 375 Yuan a ticket to 1 cent a piece sold out and bought a total of 3,000. "Mr Gong said.

Shanghai Disneyland tickets

After receiving the report, Hubin road, Shangcheng District Public Security Bureau transferred the Criminal Investigation Brigade and the police station, police brigade police immediately set up a task force to carry out the investigation. After the police a lot of interviews, and data analysis. On November 25, the city police in Nanjing, Katie (female, 24 years old, Beijing), Zhao (male, 23 years old, ruian, Zhejiang people) captured. November 29 in Fujian will suspect Wong (male, 20 years old, Longhai, Fujian people) captured.

Suspect LI, Zhao arrested

The investigation, three men since late September 2016 to mid-October 2016, by hacking software, Hangzhou travel service Ltd-ticketing Web site vulnerabilities, many illegal attacks on the company's ticketing system will be a Disneyland ticket price is 375 Yuan modified to 1 cent, purchase through PayPal. More than three persons amounted to illegal access to more than 2,700 tickets and immediately via the Internet to 220 Yuan to 230 yuan price of cattle sold network, illegal profits more than 500,000.

Moreover, the technology and software, are they from a ' earn customers '. It is understood that Li, Zhao and yellow three-person is a "make group" friends, they often communicate with technical experience in the group, providing each other with network vulnerability Web site.

Arrested suspect Huang

What is "earned"? The so-called "earn" as it is through network profits, net profit, as a career. "Make group" is "earned" Exchange QQ Group. "Earned" through group learning technology, using malware attack some part of the site for illegal profit.

"They attack the hotel using the malicious software is not developed. "The police said, according to the three public. These malicious software is bought from a hacker group the main group. However, after three people were arrested, the group disbanded.

Suspect Wu and shipped back to Hangzhou

Subsequently, the project civilian police officers continue to follow tracks, through careful investigation and evidence collection, on December 23 in Yongzhou, Hunan province and a network of cattle Wu xxx (male, 25 years old, Yongzhou, Hunan people) caught.

Four suspects have been City police detention, in the case is still under further investigation.

攻击票务网站:三人花27块钱买到三千张上海迪士尼门票 - 迪士尼,黑客 - IT资讯













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