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published in(发表于) 2016/11/20 6:31:17 Edit(编辑)
US media said the Chinese typing skills far beyond the West: the future belongs to the Chinese characters,

US media said the Chinese typing skills far beyond the West: the future belongs to the Chinese characters,(美媒称中国打字技术远超西方:未来属于汉字,)



US media said the Chinese typing skills far beyond the West: the future belongs to the character-IT information

US media said, the invention of the computer list of China's huge Chinese characters can be turned into an advantage.

According to the United States the Atlantic Web site, and on a bright autumn morning at Stanford University, tangmu·malani is QWERTY standard keyboard problem. DD-Mullany is not a technical expert, nor a Dvorak keyboard enthusiasts. He is a historian of modern China. He is holding the Chinese typewriters and keyboards exhibition. This exhibition DD-Mullany concluded, China's typing technology marched forward, and far behind the West, still hold a QWERTY keyboard.

Now, it's still an extraordinary view, China-because of its 75,000 separate characters instead of a limited number of letters--has long been considered to be incompatible with the modern technology of language. How to use the send a telegram all Chinese characters or use typewriter type all of the characters are out? or how to communicate with the modern world? if you are a Cambridge Education, infatuation Greece classical scholar, you may come to the conclusion, the characters "out of date". Long live the alphabet!

However, DD-Mullany thinks, the invention of the computer list of China's huge Chinese characters can be turned into an advantage .

Reportedly, DD-Mullany's two forthcoming about Chinese typewriter and computer book authors, we discussed things that he learned in the study of the subject. His argument was very interesting to read. Because, at its core, this is not just about China. It's about our relationship with computers, not only be viewed as an object, and is a carrier of an invisible software. He said that on a QWERTY computer keyboard in English, "the most basic way is to use the keyboard." On the keyboard press "a" key, "a" will appear on the screen. "This does not need to use your computer's processing power and memory. "On the other hand, connect to a computer on a QWERTY keyboard type" a ", the computer will" guess "you can type Chinese characters. With Chinese input, requiring users to problems from a software perspective.

? Pupils in learning to type. Xinhua News Agency

In other words, the type character is essentially a type-if you'd like a set of instructions, can also be a code-to retrieve a specific character.

DD-Mullany said, typing with the Chinese people have "sense code". Now there are more than 10 kinds of Chinese input method, but the Western world is still mostly stick to verbatim type on a computer keyboard, and there is no short cut to make full use of computer software . He said that challenge is "How do you convince a century and a half has been told that the alphabet was the greatest thing since sliced bread?".

DD-Mullany believes that Chinese Telegraph and typewriter area has suffered two embarrassing history of Chinese-speaking people in after the software appear to full advantage--so much so that it is now much faster Chinese than in English.

When the Telegraph in 1871 to enter China, Chinese at first have to make the language technology to the West as "yielding". By a Netherlands astronomer and a France Customs officers to design solutions, each character is assigned a four-digit code, then translated into Morse code dots and dashes. This approach worked, but the Chinese were at a disadvantage. Morse code numbers in five points (·) Or (-), and letters consist of only one to three, which makes Chinese cables are more expensive and less efficient.

Reports said Chinese typewriter was also a troubling thing. It has a file containing more than 2000 Chinese characters commonly used in the tray. Typist operation at the top tray to select characters, promoting a joystick the selected character "knocks" on paper. If you want to type a common Chinese characters, you must look for it in the tens of thousands of Chinese characters on another tray.

Meanwhile, dozens of inventors tried to find a better cable and method for manufacturing typewriters. In order to achieve this, they must find new ways of indexing Chinese characters, which they divided into subunits. For example, using a "square law". No Chinese people may not have a profound feeling. But in fact, this is a rethinking of Chinese characters.

DD-Mullany said, so when the computer came to number 70, 80 years of Chinese input method is a "blowout" trend. Different input method requires a different way of thinking of Chinese characters. You can based on square or triangle or radical (basic unit of Chinese characters) or stroke order. Was also trying to use a phonetic-based input method, use software to translate letters into Chinese characters. Furthermore, after experiencing a true breakthrough, these input are predictable. For example, you can only type with each character corresponding to the first letter to enter a set of characters. In other words, this is a "smart" text.

DD-Mullany said (via the software platform) Chinese input method will be the winners. In fact, it has already won. We now have "smart" paper and auto complete mode. Only at the cost of cell phones slow typing speed and made Westerners aware of its limitations, by letters of keyboard input. However, even so, the Americans only know to this extent.

美媒称中国打字技术远超西方:未来属于汉字 - IT资讯















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