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published in(发表于) 2016/12/31 2:02:31 Edit(编辑)
2016 annual delivery of over 30 billion in China, accounting for close to one-second

2016 annual delivery of over 30 billion in China, accounting for close to one-second(中国2016全年快递超300亿件,占全球近二分之一)



2016 annual delivery of over 30 billion in China, accounting for about one-second-the Global Express-IT information

Not long ago, a tea sent from Zunyi city, Guizhou province, and become China's No. 30 billion 2016 Express. Recently, the State Post Bureau, MA Junsheng said in a new release, express delivery industry has been developing very rapidly in China in recent years, has increased by more than 50% a year for 6 years, is now ranked first in the world. In the Global Express about 70 billion per year, China accounted for 30 billion pieces . In this regard, the expert pointed out that express services were clearly reflected by the rapid development of China's strong domestic demand, accelerate the pace of transformation and broad potential for development. The future, as China's logistics industry weakness further padded, express delivery industry is expected to become China's economic stabilisation process are more marked signs.

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Data show that 1-in November of this year, China courier service businesses completed rose 52.8%; operating income totaled 354.41 billion yuan, an increase of 44.3%. According to the most recent 30 billion pieces of express delivery volume and 1.3 billion population in 2016, China sent 23 per capita equivalent to express. Institute researcher Yang Daqing in China view, express business in China exceeded 30 billion mark "Thirteen-Five" express industry development "good start". "More than 30 years, we caught up with the developed countries express industry for nearly a century the pace of development, realized the overtaking. "Yang Daqing said.

Beijing science and Technology University School of management Professor of Economics Department of trade He Weida pointed out in an interview with this reporter, from relevant data it is easy to see, express industry development trend in China is very good, this reflects China's large population, living standards brought about by the strong consumer demand also reflects the e-commerce cheap, consumer convenience and other features. "Need to see that China's economy is in a transition period, difficulties of contradictions in the real economy there, and express industry reflects robust consumer demand is clearly a very important positive factor. Because, to some extent, demand active help China's economy to keep it running smoothly and provide a good environment for more problematic areas out of the Woods. "He Weida analysis.

In fact, the data confirms this analysis. 2016 1 November, online retail sales in China of 4.599 trillion yuan, an increase of 26.2%. Among them, the physical goods online retail sales as a percentage of the total retail sales of consumer goods grew by 1.9%.

Transformation: new dynamics are enhanced

Now, in Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and other provinces and cities, on average one out of every 5 miles less express outlets, while in Shanghai, express dot door is truly open to the "last mile".

According to a study at Beijing Jiaotong University, the express industry employment is powerful. For example, in 2015, China issued 20.7 billion Express, on 2.03 million people in employment, including couriers, pickup and truck drivers and other positions. Size of the 2016 as a whole more than 30 billion, leading role far stronger.

However, compared to express the economic contribution of the industry itself, which contains a new industry, new formats, new business models are more worthy of attention. Ma Junsheng pointed out in analysis of reason of the express industry has developed rapidly, the express industry's development is inseparable from the development of electric business and express. China daily delivery of nearly 100 million, which more than 60% service electrical contractor, China's e-commerce and express bi-directional linkage, interaction between upstream and downstream development of Chinese society to provide a great new service.

Experts point out that express industry appears to be just passed, but reflects the Internet Division of further refining elements and configuration upgrades. Renmin University of China, national development and Strategic Research Institute researcher Zhang Jie said that China's current economic development model is the "speed scale" extensive growth model to the "quality" of intensive growth mode transformation. It can be said that new economic structures, new patterns, new energy, new directions, a series of new features is gradually bred and grow and become the dominant new force of China's economy.

"Express industry developed rapidly from one side reflects the transformation of China's economic situation and new impetus. But we also want to see, the express industry are involved mainly in the tertiary industry, and economies in transition is multifaceted. Compared with the third, 12th the industry involves many problems new kinetic energy cultivation is relatively slow, so we should not be so anxious. "He Weida said.

Bright: innovative potential will be released

For the express industry's future development, MA Junsheng said that "Thirteen-Five" will have to "Internet +" for the direction of efforts to expand the scope of service network benefiting, transformation and upgrading, quality-efficiency efforts. For example, through the extensive application of information technology, innovative business models, services and management, to change the service status of single and identical products. Meanwhile, promoted express further into the production, circulation and consumption, implement advanced manufacturing, modern agriculture and the collaborative development of cross-border trade.

"In fact, express the number quickly grew to some extent also reflect some problems in our economy, such as: traditional manufacturing industry pressure, rising labor costs, the tax burden is heavier and high cost of retail rents, and so on. So we want to constantly improve the quality of express industry's development at the same time, pay more attention to one or two, the balanced development of tertiary industry. "He Weida said, due to the different industry business model is different, so we need to implement a more balanced development strategy, while institutional innovation, technological innovation, innovation, thereby releasing more growth potential.

It can be said that a small express reflects the innovation of the package, reflects the innovative potential. From the point of view of innovation, there is every reason to have more expectations of the future of China's economy. Measurement of NBS's latest data show that 8.4% 2015 China innovation index than the previous year, the growth rate hit a decade high. Among them, the innovation environment index, index of innovation inputs and output indicators and innovation index, 4.2%, 5.3% and 4.9% over the previous year.

In fact, many companies are actively embrace China opportunity. Home credit group, a Global CEO yixi·shimeizi said that to seize the business opportunities in China, the company's consumer finance business all over China in 280 cities, more than 109,000 loan service shops and retailers in China, and led to the growth in sales of related products.

中国2016全年快递超300亿件,占全球近二分之一 - 快递 - IT资讯

















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