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published in(发表于) 2016/12/24 2:13:57 Edit(编辑)
Reveal hidden dark side of the Internet,

Reveal hidden dark side of the Internet,(揭秘隐秘的互联网交易黑暗面,)



Reveal hidden dark side of the Internet-Internet-IT news

According to foreign media reports, Yahoo some time ago was attacked by the hackers, including name, password, phone, security questions and answers, personal information stolen, involves about 1 billion account. In the dark online, complete databases of the spill has been a public sale of just 300,000 dollars there will be 1 billion people for information. Behind the convenience brought about by the Internet security risks, are causing more and more people's attention. Convenient and safe, like black and white on both sides of the diagram and complement each other, each phase.

Internet legal transactions under the grey area

In all national, will for Internet Shang of trading for clear of legal provides, like United States Congress through has minor people Internet protection method, and ban network Piracy Bill, series legal provides, China issued of Internet advertising supervision management provisional approach, and express market management approach and Security Ordinance, are on Internet of contraband trading circulation do has corresponding of constraints and provides. However, this does not prevent criminals or people related to the legitimate e-commerce channels for grey or grazing deals.

In the United States, buying guns has been written into law as a personal right. The deal was extended to the Internet, with purchases in real life in a similar way, legally buy firearms registration system is generally used in the Internet. To purchase a rifle, for example, as long as you are over 18 years old and have no criminal record, you can apply for a gun license. Buy online only need to upload my arms permits, seller will be verified will send rifles and control center will be sold sends a certificate to the rifle to the archive.

In order to guarantee citizen security, firearms are usually not sent directly to the buyer, but the entity to its neighborhood gun store, buyers need to fill a form desirable goods.

The nonsense video in the case of the seven sales screenshots

But in actual operation, in addition to casing under the control of mechanical components, firearms, all parts can be sent home. And on the website like American weapons, semi-finished products of the receiver just under $75 can get buyers only need to put the metal parts into plastic molds can assemble a finished product. While metal design, there are no security measures, any metal workers can work it out. Buy a gun on the Internet, bypassing the legal control is not difficult.

This means that as long as you have a gun permit, you can buy guns anywhere, anytime, without restriction. In addition, runs parallel to the drug trade is also on the way to legalization. For example, headquartered in United States mass roots in Denver, is designed to do a marijuana transaction Internet company also provides Bud of marijuana-friendly housing service and Breakfast. Data analysis, United States cannabis industry in 2019 is expected to grow to $11 billion.

At home, the guns and the black strip of soft drugs is expressly prohibited by law, like United States brought to the obvious public sales. Based on 360 monitor found imitation guns, poisons and other illicit drugs, eavesdropping equipment, killer services, pornography services were most flooded five prohibited transaction services on the Internet, and e-commerce trading platform becomes "online black markets."

Taking prescription drugs as an example, since enactment in 2015 of the Internet food and drug management of transactions, while prescription drug sales have strict rules, but online sales of prescription drugs has become an open and flooding.

Pharmacy shop page on x-Po, prescription drug store Home there are two very obvious entrances. As required by law, buy prescription drugs are not directly in the network under a single required needs through network or telephone consultations by pharmacists for pharmacists order, and you need to a nearby drugstore pharmacy or choose to pay cash on delivery. Identified during the actual purchase, prescription drugs provided does not require a doctor's prescription, and as long as stressed in the communication process before having drug experiences, can complete the purchase.

Compared with drugs and guns, prescription drug abuse sounds may be harmless, but it could affect not only the patient's treatment such as resistance, allergic reactions and phenomena such as endocrine disorders, also gives criminals an opportunity in many cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine component of addictions, are important ingredients of making ice.

In recent years there have been media reports, officers captured Chinese nationals overseas refining drug gangs, and their raw material is Tylenol, white with black, the new Contac and other Chinese-made cold medicine. After these chain drug gangs in the country bought cold medicine shipped at very low cost through payments to international students, international students brought the drug raw materials abroad. It is understood that the new Contac per 10 kg can extract 4 kg capsule pseudo jute base, while on the black market, pseudoephedrine sold 650,000 yuan per kilogram and boxes of cold medicine sold for less than 20 Yuan on average, profits amazing.

The convenience of the Internet, criminals slit a "legitimate" acquire "raw materials" open.

Illegal trade in black dark under Web

Dark network that cannot be found by search engines and regular browser access to Web pages, its concealment of drugs, guns, pornography and other transactions provided a natural barrier. According to statistics, after 2014 in the dark-buy drugs online growth in the number of 2.4%, and violations in the net annual income has passed hundreds of millions of dollars.

The nonsense of seven video dark screen screenshot

Compared to the conventional Internet transactions, is the biggest characteristic of the dark network does not require authentication, as long as money can buy everything what you want. Not only the seller does not know who the buyer is, dark network itself does not conduct background checks, and website will not save transaction once the transaction is completed, all information is destroyed.

Specific process is that users pay for a product, then money was transferred to a third party Web site administrator account. If the buyer determine goods no problem, this money will call the business; if there is a problem, the administrator will withdraw the merchant's shopping cart, and send money back to the buyer's account.

Big Black mesh black Alphabay, Dream Market, Valhalla (Silkkitie), the Silk Road 3.0, and so on. Dark line black market operation mode and Internet shopping mall business model is similar, also known as "black Amazon". Most of the large black market by way of third-party receivables to ensure that sellers and buyers as well as the site for their own safety.

The Economist magazine recently past dark screen trading data exposure and analysis of collected data shows dark screen deals total about $50 million, occupies the highest proportion of commodities for ecstasy. With 38000 marijuana deal became the most popular sale items.

In addition, prescription drugs are popular in the dark network. The report found that about one-third sales has not been summarized to cannabis in this category, but this is mainly because both sides use a "Barney's farm", "gorilla glue" and "the Pink Panther" and other common names, which have been proven to represent cannabis crops in the different plant types.

But firearms and illegal trade of this legitimate trade of soft drugs only network trading on the black market of the tip of the iceberg, in the dark online, all items can be clearly marked. Both daily sale of forged documents, and personal information, there are shocking sale of human organs, child sex slavery, even special forces and a variety of deadly weapons such as the Beretta 92 pistol, police with a pistol (PPK), AK-47, and grenades, are also on the trading list. Such as length of about 3 feet (91.4 cm), brake capacity is 30 rounds of shells Afghanistan special forces guns Bushmaster M4 is the dark line is selling a product.

Including the United States, Governments are actively combat and control, but because the dark network of non-monitoring of many relapse within a short time to shut down the site, and even more powerful. Governments are forced to put in more manpower, material and financial resources to deal with, and destroy the long way.

Technology of Pandora's box

The development of the Internet brings convenience to daily life without a doubt, but the convenience is all, including speculators and criminals, with technological advances becoming uncontrollable side.

ISIS notorious terrorist organization, good use of Internet advertising has been recognized as the Organization's success, and that most of the information transfer occurred in the dark network. Through a network of dark, they can recruit, buy weapons, sending brainwashed information and even the exchange of terrorist attack plans. As represented by the dark network of hi-tech Internet technology has become a haven for terrorists, and the haven still looks solid so far, could not find a breakthrough.

Historically, the emergence and development of any technology have followed such a trajectory, the rapid development of technology has brought a high degree of control, this control is reflected not only in the use of technology can not be controlled, also lies in the impact of technology on human control.

After entering the new century, leap-style development of science and technology, changed the perception and evaluation of all criteria, even unable to identify this is progress or threat to humanity. Popular American TV series in the third season of the black mirror II, male major Cooper to make money, take an income favoured game test, before starting the game he did not expect the gaming experience, will completely change his life, because he believes he can distinguish between the virtual and the real.

In the initial stages of the game, the staff provides voice instructions through headphones, constantly with Corpus Christi which is what is virtual reality. As the game progresses, however, the program into deepening, of Corpus Christi in the game can affect the Visual and auditory than uncontrolled pain. Which means that he has thoroughly confused the border between virtual and reality, illusions cannot be locked in the brain to break free. Technology by humanity, thoroughly defeated people, in front of the high-tech, smart people than ants or small.

Social networks, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, data ... ... Has the familiar term for the media, entrepreneurs, investors, people again and cheers for the new technology innovations and mysterious, we only care about is new and more powerful technologies more quickly, but seem to have forgotten, once was improper utilization of technology, the negative effect can be devastating.

When a human has proudly declared that the use of nuclear technology as tame as a puppy obey, the Chernobyl incident, it causes nuclear accident aftermath lasted 800 years, and the reactor core radiation natural differentiation will take millions of years. 270,000 people afflicted with cancer killed 93,000 people, 2 billion people worldwide affected by the Chernobyl accident. 30 years later, the event continues to spread.

Tesla and SpaceX, Open AI and many high-tech company CEO Mr MASKEY, openly opposed the AI technology development without restraint, he believed that artificial intelligence is an irreversible trend of science and technology, but pure profit-oriented AI development was opened Pandora's box, carry a loaded gun. The bullet when to pull the trigger, who does not know.

揭秘隐秘的互联网交易黑暗面 - 互联网交易 - IT资讯







但在实际操作中,除了像下机匣这样的有管控的机械部件,枪支的所有零部件都可以直接寄到家中。而在像American weapons这样的网站上,下机匣的半成品只需75美元就可以买到,买家只需要把几个金属部件装进塑料模具就可以拼装出成品。同时金属的设计并没有保密措施,任意一个五金工人都可以做出来。在网上买枪,绕开法律管控并不难。

这意味着只要你拥有了持枪证,就可以随时随地购买枪支,基本没有限制。除此之外,明面的毒品交易也正在走上合法化的道路。比如,总部位于美国丹佛市的mass roots就是一家专做大麻交易的互联网公司;此外还有提供大麻友好型房屋短租服务的Bud and Breakfast。数据分析,美国大麻产业在2019年预计会增长到110亿美元。












比较大的暗网黑市有Alphabay、Dream Market、Valhalla(Silkkitie)、Silk Road 3.0等。暗网黑市的运营模式和互联网商城的运营模式类似,也因此被称为“黑色亚马逊”。大部分大型黑市都会通过第三方收款的方式来确保卖家和买家以及网站本身的安全。



但枪支和软性毒品这类合法交易物的非法交易只是暗网黑市交易的冰山一角,在暗网上,所有物品都可以明码标价。其中既有日常的伪造证件和个人信息的出售,也有骇人听闻的人体器官、儿童性奴的售卖,甚至特种兵和各类致命武器比如贝瑞塔92手枪、刑警用手枪(PPK)、AK-47和手榴弹等也都在交易列表上。比如长约3英尺(约91.4厘米),弹闸容量30发的阿富汗特种部队用枪Bushmaster M4就是暗网上十分热销的一款产品。










特斯拉、SpaceX、Open AI等多家高科技公司的CEO马斯克,就公开反对AI技术不加克制地发展,他认为人工智能是不可扭转的科技趋势,但单纯以利润为导向进行AI开发无异于打开潘多拉盒子,叩动已上膛的枪。这枚子弹什么时候扣下扳机,谁都不知道。

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