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published in(发表于) 2016/11/12 12:09:03 Edit(编辑)
Women’s big belly in Internet bars overnight: rupture of the amniotic fluid pregnancy till,

Women’s big belly in Internet bars overnight: rupture of the amniotic fluid pregnancy till,(女子挺大肚在网吧通宵:羊水破裂才知怀孕,)



Women's big belly in Internet bars overnight: rupture of the amniotic fluid pregnancy till-IT information

Had heard of sudden birth, built a simple tent on the street delivery; was also seen in the TV series, it was because of the urgency of the situation, have to produce at home. Recently, similar and with soul-stirring scene staged in yuhuan Samana.

At noon on November 4 in Samana town industrial park, yuhuan County family bar the door, a young woman's bulging belly, sudden birth, and is very painful. Police will free up police car trunk, as a humble temporary beds, waiting for the arrival of medical personnel.

Yuhuan salmonella soul-stirring scene

After a day and a night rescue from danger, stillborn child. What's strange is, she did not know she was pregnant

Quite a pot-bellied night Internet

At noon on November 4 at around 11 o'clock, a young woman's bulging belly, from a bar in Samana town industrial zone of yuhuan hobbled out, moving very slowly. She leaned against the door, not how long, it's hard to sit in on the marble steps of the door.

At that time, women's messy hair, a Haggard, ferocious expression seems to be very painful. People see this scene, the young woman looks like and about to give birth, was in a critical condition, immediately called the police.

A 12:10 noon, salmonella yuhuan police Zheng Xin after the alarm and immediately put on equipment and first-aid kit with two colleagues rushed to the scene.

"We saw the woman sat on the steps of the past groaning stomach, legs had swollen like a sack. "Said Zheng Xin, approached, smell the stench of decay, then her water has broken, there's a little diarrhea.

As Zheng Xin the father less than half a year, have a little experience, to preliminarily concluded that the woman was to be born, and the situation is not optimistic, even in danger of production. Thus, he immediately contacted the salmonella hospitals, waiting for the doctor to come help.

Saw the woman on the cold marble steps is uncomfortable to sit on, and Zheng Xin quickly discuss with colleagues, and wants to help her find a comfortable points, places where I can lie down. But at that time, apart from construction bricks and mud, nothing else. Zheng Xin had an idea, open the trunk of the police car, freeing up more space from elsewhere looking for a large piece of cardboard on the trunk and lifted the woman onto the bus with co-workers. In this way, the police car trunk into a crude temporary beds.

Wrong fat pregnant when

Heard the doctor say that they are pregnant, woman was shocked. She looked at getting a big belly, limbs or mast up, thought it was suddenly put on weight, it never occurred to be pregnant.

The woman called Xiao min (not his real name), is 24 years old, she looked for friends from their hometown in Guizhou to yuhuan, later in order to make the cost of living, in Samana town industrial park, yuhuan, a business looking for a job.

The evening of November 3, xiaomin nothing, can't sleep, just going to find something to kill time, went to an Internet Café near the overnight Internet access.

Prior to this, Mandy did not detect what abnormalities, "while the belly is very big, but I also had blood last month, found it impossible to be pregnant, do not care, just go to Internet cafes to play. ”

Until November 4, at 4 o'clock in the morning, she suddenly felt some pain, because the response is not too strong nor want to. Later, when out of the Internet, only to find the body has been under water, this just limp on, feeling more discomfort.

Because hospitals do not have conditions for deliveries, xiaomin was immediately sent to the County Hospital for treatment. Finally, after struggling to save of the day and night, Mandy out of danger. But, unfortunately, xiaomin unborn children aborted in three or four days ago.

It is understood that Mandy my parents died, broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago, there is no contact. Xiaomin taking into account the difficult conditions in special circumstances, hospitals and relief for her medical expenses. At present, xiaomin had recovered and been discharged.

女子挺大肚在网吧通宵:羊水破裂才知怀孕 - IT资讯




















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