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published in(发表于) 2016/12/18 3:33:33 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom version of “prison break“: 600 prisoners riot, get prison keys open the webcast,

United Kingdom version of “prison break“: 600 prisoners riot, get prison keys open the webcast,(英国版“越狱”:600名囚犯暴动,抢监狱钥匙还开网络直播,)



United Kingdom version of "prison break": 600 prisoners riot, get prison keys open network live-broadcasting, prisons, prison break-IT information

According to Xinhua News Agency on December 18, on December 16, the United Kingdom a private-prison 600 prisoners riot in Birmingham. The riots spread 4-seat wards, authorities sent professional "cyclones", police have deployed up to 300 riot police, after 12 hours of fighting in the evening and finally controlling riots.

▲ Prisoners took keys.

Around 9 o'clock in the morning, Victoria b-prison inmates began to bustle riot, prisoners from a prison guard who took a bunch of keys, and riots through a live webcast. Put social media photographs showed prisoners wearing police riot Helmets the whole process, and jail keys; but the prisoners immediate threat of prison facilities, prison staff with batons and set fire to the prison in important files, throw your computer out the window. In order to stop the riots, police officers armed with helmets and riot shields lined up ahead, around the entire prison, hundreds of riot police stormed the prison uniforms prisoners, the whole process for spend 12 hours.

▲ Prisoner riots through a live webcast.

Xinhua News Agency said the riot the prison lost thousands of pounds. This was completed in 1849 prison capacity of 1450 prisoners.

英国版“越狱”:600名囚犯暴动,抢监狱钥匙还开网络直播 - 直播,监狱,越狱 - IT资讯






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