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published in(发表于) 2016/12/16 13:02:36 Edit(编辑)
Pyramid selling groups in Guangdong worked out “Star currency“: the development of 160,000 members, involving nearly 200 million,

Pyramid selling groups in Guangdong worked out “Star currency“: the development of 160,000 members, involving nearly 200 million,(广东传销团伙炮制“恒星币”:发展16万会员,涉案金额近两亿,)



Pyramid selling groups processing in Guangdong Province "Star money": development of 160,000 members, involving nearly 200 million-star coins, scams-IT information

By searching on the Internet's "Star money" concept, a building site, set up technical groups and promotion team, through members of the development, purchase and activate "mining machines" earned "Star currency", conditional on the number of development staff Commission rebate, luring members by "Star currency" continues to layers of people involved. 4 months to absorb China's 31 provinces (regions and municipalities) over more than 160,000 members, involving nearly 200 million Yuan.

Legal daily reporter today from Guangdong Province Police Office was informed that, this year September late, Guangdong Province Police Office by investigation Council organization province 21 a to city by investigation sector, sent multiple catch Working Group, in Shanghai, and Zhejiang, and Fujian, and Henan, and Guangdong, and Guangxi, and Yunnan, and Shaanxi, and Xinjiang, 10 province (district, and city) while received network, destroyed dens more than 30 more than, check frozen account more than 120 more than, seized Villa property, and vehicles and computer, and phone, and bank card, a large number of involved items. Together with Zhang Wu, publicity and promotion team and the technical team "flirting" and other key suspects, all arrested.

10 police and the net

Reporters learned from the Jieyang Public Security Bureau economic investigation team trade group in May this year, police found in a micro-Group engaged in network marketing activities, the investigation found a led by Zhang, suspected of using virtual currency "Star money" in China, leading MLM activities organized crime gangs.

Jieyang police reported immediately to the public security Department of Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Bureau assigned work and Jieyang Public Security Bureau economic investigation department team for further investigation.

, Jieyang city, Guangdong Province, the public security organs by the investigation, the Network Security Department work together to successfully Gets the crucial evidence of the gang suspected of crimes, found the gang's hierarchy, modus operandi, the main suspect and money involved, and so on.

By check, the MLM organization main through micro-letter group promotion, building virtual currency MLM network, to purchase "stars currency" mine machine, and production virtual "stars currency" trading profit for guise, take "pulled head", and charged "started fee", and layer Layer royalty, way for network MLM cheat property, involved personnel throughout China 31 a province (district, and city), involved amount up 200 million more than Yuan.

In late September, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security Bureau of investigation under the guidance, coordination, Office of the Guangdong Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Bureau of the province, economic investigation departments, 21 elite police, sent more than one capture working group, in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Xinjiang 10 provinces (regions and municipalities) while conducting net operations.

First suspect arrested in Beihai city, Guangxi. According to an account, he is pulled into a traditional pyramid selling groups for 8 months, although did not make money, but to understand the MLM slowly. 2006 in home set up construction waste recycling companies in Shaanxi, but because debts the company closure in 2014, carrying millions of external debt.

In 2015, Zhang began to come into contact with "Kai yuan currency", after six months of study and research, found the money. Zhang a so "single fly", first with picked up to of ID copies in outside registered has stars (International) holding development limited, spent 50,000 yuan find to technology team according to sample painting scoop built website, and to hundreds of thousands of Yuan of price overall package has website of late maintenance; put himself of online "Tong Pak Fu" pulled came is responsible for marketing, designed thing in Internet, and micro-letter group released incitement heart of information, hype false of "stars currency" investment prospects, temptation public registered members and purchase so-called can production "stars currency" of mine machine.

Fission extension members surge

The gang set membership threshold as low as 100 Yuan, and early to "free miner 100,000" gimmick to recruit a large number of members, and through these members of the "Star money" to promote.

Jieyang Public Security Bureau head of the investigative team, said the pyramid to "head" has been elevated to 35 levels. Members conduct business through multiple micro-groups, these workers huge scale of tens of hundreds of people. Micro-growing people, between the upper and lower lines thousands of miles don't even need to know, through the fission extension soon developed a large number of members.

Ad hoc police investigation found that "Star money" related to Exchange main often send group "Star money" publicity materials, publicity incendiary words, such as "digital currency trends will bring you new opportunities for wealth" "now you join is the original unit" and so on. Even on the Web to recruit lecturers, recording audio on a regular basis on the various micro-groups, with soft ads on search engines, to lecture the new incoming member of brainwashing.

Case officers said, a simple line of development, Member after successful registration, simply to generate a link site members page, micro-letter sent to the group. People click and when there is need to become a member, and has accordingly become their downline.

Zhang said, "Star money" is that he came from the online search form, article claims the Internet "' Star currency ' is one of the world's top ten digital currency, entered the Chinese market at present, is in operation in United States and Shanghai, can rise 10 times a year, buy it now is to buy the original stake, once listed a profit of hundreds of times".

However, members can make money, all in a single thought. Xinhua learned from the Jieyang Public Security Bureau economic investigation team Intelligence Brigade, Zhang controlled the market "Star money" and the amount of trading channels. First members to trade, free of mines, "Star money" transactions spread as the top-level Zhang is not easy to earn money, and banned trade among its members, only for members to have a better vision, claiming that operation is listed.

However, many people at this "promise", "investments" waiting overnight. Zhang's "Marketing Director" "flirting" development off the Assembly line as many as 150,000 people, covering all types of people, some choose to join and found is a pyramid, but don't want to because after making money out.

Case officer said, developed this Web site to post, because membership development encountered bottlenecks, the growth rate slowed, money is becoming increasingly difficult, Zhang claimed that platform debugging with international standards during the temporary closure of while actually in perform a gradual closure.

Some members involved in the pyramid selling groups after the arrest saying, at first thought it was a legitimate investment, adding later found to be a pyramid scheme, for he had already invested money in it, and could not exit but to "head", then from the victim to the perpetrator, deeper than deep, MLM diffusion play a contributory role.

Technical support is also a crime

As the core of a network marketing group provides technical support technician Wu told reporters, in the face of high fees, he has luck consolation: "I just provided technical, sold some ' Star greenbacks, and did not participate in the development of referral, should not constitute an offence. ”

Wu was born in 1990, Fuzhou University computer science graduates. Colleague song before and last year spent more than 100,000 yuan in Fuzhou cooperation opened a network of companies, specializing in Web site design, maintenance, and so on.

Earlier this year, Zhang found Wu Song, a partner of the company through the network, asked as he joined one of the previously named "Kai yuan coin" MLM network platform in building websites, have agreed to pay 50,000 yuan. Wu said that the Web site after the delivery, "Star money" member of the fast-growing, money faster than imagined, Zhang and Qu, Wu agreed network maintenance costs 250,000 yuan.

Wu said: "the platform running half a month later, I learned it by ' head ' profit patterns, seeming to have a problem. But because it is high maintenance fees were charged, greedy people regardless of the consequences, is able to bring luck to comfort myself is to rely on technology to eat, not involved in a pyramid scheme. ”

Watching the platform members through the "head" to make money, Wu had heart, he do not understand technology, will test the account into "ultra", acquiring a large number of "Star currency", sold to other members to profit more than 300,000 yuan.

In jail Wu said: "I am Zhang provided the tools of crime, violated the criminal law, later encountered such demand, did not dare to touch. ”

This reporter has learned, the new network marketing actually continued the traditional MLM's "head" mode is different, teach "brainwashing" line change on the Internet, promotion, development, micro-groups such as "head" makes referrals to fission-type growth, as a member of the more secretive.

Stakeholders-the Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Bureau Chief of the economic crime investigation division Wang Jing said: "China's legal tender only RMB, as long as the Internet found that virtual currency will alert if suspected pyramid selling, list of active alarms. In addition, your every word in your circle of friends, may become the evidence presented, don't just help you forward links. ”

广东传销团伙炮制“恒星币”:发展16万会员,涉案金额近两亿 - 恒星币,诈骗 - IT资讯






























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