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published in(发表于) 2016/12/8 9:10:16 Edit(编辑)
The dog back from the table, take-away food which may be new hope

The dog back from the table, take-away food which may be new hope(将狗狗从餐桌上救回来,外卖平台可能是新希望,)



The dog back from the table, take-away food which may be new hope-IT information

Recently, the one dubbed "the United States rescued the dog hero" title of men, to save dogs by foreign media exposure-ask in the name of charity, left dog run, on the spot. The Yulin city named Marc Ching man claiming to rescue dogs, but will ignore those dogs saved, causing most of their deaths. This thinking led to lots of dog lovers, this individual heroism "pet rescue" really doing it right?

Really have to act to save the dogs?

In addition to the fake "United States rescue dog hero", there are many scandal storm dog rescue. Yang Xiaoyun, well-known rescue dog is the circle, Yang Xiaoyun said her twice in Yulin spent 450,000 yuan, bought back approximately 1000 dogs. These animals were returned to her in Tianjin in the four host sites. She said her host over a total of more than 4,000 dogs, hopes to raise 5 million Yuan, the construction of a new rescue dog base. But now dozens of Chinese animal protection organizations have jointly issued an open letter questioned Yang Xiaoyun exaggerates her relief work, and asked her to explain the money goes.

Individual acts of rescue dogs repeatedly questioned, after all, is not a credible, the Executive Force organizations to take the lead. These individuals tend to be very impulsive passion to save the dogs, but was unable to follow up, or these saved the dog, just to make a "blood" of public interest. A handful of private pet also regularly initiate adoption-agency activities, but save the animals, and adopt serious imbalance in the proportion of people, so they is still facing the cruel reality, the rescued animals are also secondary damage. There is no doubt that in the present, single individuals or civil society institutions to spontaneously to rescue the dog, not the best way to protect animals.

Promote legislation, preventive and long

Legislation to regulate dog breeding, slaughtering process, combat dogs, drug dogs are feasible?

In this regard, the Nanchang city animal health authority Chief, Chen said, "because cats and dogs are pets, China joins the OIE (World Organisation for animal health), does not advocate people eat cats and dogs, there is no appropriate quarantine procedures. ”

Since there are no quarantine procedures, that relevant departments there is no basis for dog quarantine. In this way, even from unknown sources that dog meat is still obtained through illegal means to enter circulation, stealing dogs, drug dogs, there is still a market.

To this end, County deputies Zheng Xiao and recommendations can be based on the relevant provisions of the food safety law, dogs and cats clearly characterized as non-food and meat products, into the "prohibition of the production and management" category, thus prohibiting slaughter of dogs and cats entering the food circulation market, catering or food processing materials against dog and cat eating the purpose of trafficking, trading and slaughtering, processing, manufacturing and selling business. Also, modifying the relevant provisions of the law on public security administration punishments, cruelty to animals incorporated in the law.

However, some experts said, because of cat and dog meat in China still has a large consumer market, pushing legislation fast cat and dog meat, more difficult than standard breed slaughtering process. Obviously, in the foreseeable future, this regulatory blind spot is still selling dog meat will continue to exist.

With a stopgap way to help their

Personal initiative to save doesn't work, not legislation, there is really no way out?

Not necessarily.

Starting with existing Internet dining platforms, regulate the sale of dog meat--a restaurant, or a proven method.

In November, the takeout announced on official microblog platform is hungry, for food safety reasons, platforms of 294 to operate a dog food-oriented businesses, 7733 involving food made of dog meat off the production line. This practice of cutting dog online sales channels, for reference.

Don't do take-out, what's the impact on restaurants? Currently, beauty mission outside sold, and Baidu outside sold, other APP Shang also can found to dog meat restaurant, these APP Shang displayed, dog meat restaurant months sales average in 300-500 copies around, assumed guest price for 50 Yuan, is a home dog meat restaurant monthly can through outside sold channel highest get 25000 Yuan income, and a two or three line city small restaurant General months income in 5.1 million Yuan, is outside sold up can accounted for to its revenue of 50%. It is conceivable that cut off the outer channel, of great effect on restaurants. Therefore, the hungry approach, turn forcing restaurants to some extent business other than dog meat food, stealing dogs, drug dogs dog dealers will lose the market.

According to incomplete statistics of dog lovers, still exist in other take-away dog restaurant on the terrace up to more than 1000 companies, this figure, hungry yet this affects at least the line 1/4 of dog meat restaurants.

From the social point of view, this action also played a very good publicity role. Although hungry, officials said shelves of dog meat for food safety reasons, did not specifically mention the protection of dogs, but because the event attracted widespread attention, this time off the shelf to let more people know and care for the dogs severe living environment, promoting awareness of animal protection people.

In addition to selling platform, control of dog meat sales, they can start thinking about some consumer decision-making platform, such as our common public comment network. These platforms can restaurants and food and drug docking, users APP flow of complaints to regulators, prompted the Government to proactively identify, investigate and deal with those obtained by illegal means dog meat restaurants, achieve the purpose of rescue innocent dog.

Finally, would like to appeal to you all, if you find online merchants to sell dog meat, be sure to report. Rescue dog is not necessarily to sustain your every concern, may be a boon to the dog.

将狗狗从餐桌上救回来,外卖平台可能是新希望 - IT资讯

近日,一位被冠以“美国救狗英雄”称号的男子,被外媒曝光以救狗之名私吞善款、抛下狗狗跑路,成为众矢之的。这位名为Marc Ching的男子声称到玉林营救狗狗,却将救下的那些狗狗置之不理,导致其绝大多数都死亡。这引发了很多爱狗人士的思考,这种个人英雄主义的“宠物拯救计划”真的做对了吗?




















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