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published in(发表于) 2016/12/2 10:20:39 Edit(编辑)
Tech Talk: Leonardo da Vinci also designed a robot,

Tech Talk: Leonardo da Vinci also designed a robot,(科技杂谈:达芬奇还设计过机器人,)



Tech Talk: Leonardo da Vinci also designed robots-IT information

Leonardo da Vinci's identity is well-known as a painter, however, he was in mathematics, mechanics, physics, medical science also has very high attainments. Not long ago, the 60 sites of the Atlantic Codex manuscript of Leonardo da Vinci artworks show coming to China for the first time, the author at Tsinghua University Art Museum, and opened the brain into his hole, deep thoughts and amazing.

These manuscripts the perfect interpretation of the art and science of Leonardo da Vinci's achievements. In addition to works such as the Mona Lisa and the last supper painting, a Leonardo da Vinci also left around 6000 pages of manuscript of geometry, engineering, construction, machinery and other fields. He designed the primary robot, presents the first heart surgery to repair method, homemade flying machine, built an outstanding water conservancy facilities ... ... These manuscripts can be described as a science and technology encyclopedia. It is said that after reading the da Vinci manuscript, Einstein said, if these research results were published, 30-50 years before the development of science and technology.

Scientific reason and logic, is the object of the study the world; art resort to perception, imagination, is concerned about the subjective mind of heaven and Earth. Science and art seem irrelevant, independent of each other, but often combine stunning charm. In the da Vinci Code was well-executed, but this is not the miracle of rare genius. Galileo likes painting, from observing the Moon, found "Earthshine" phenomenon, thanks to art training ability to capture the light sensitive. Into ancient Greece Athens Academy learning artist, you must first understand geometry. Recalling the history of science, and many top scientists are very good the humane artistic accomplishments.

Science and art are inseparable. As a creative human activity, regardless of the science exploring the laws of nature, is the art of mining depth of human nature, the pursuit is timeless and universal. In the process of seeking truth or beauty to enhance the perception of the universe, a purely spiritual experience, and transcendence of the self. However, expression of both "languages": the scientists using mathematical calculations, laboratory apparatus and artists by text, brush or knife.

The fusion of science and art, is not unique to previously. In fact, many modern creative activities, also could see a combination, complement each other. Science and technology industrial products, not only to have the scientific and technological content, also pay attention to design aesthetic; some exhibitions of modern art, try to use a cutting-edge technology, create a novelty effect. Nature of exploration, the pursuit of beauty and art of discovery and science, science in art, or perhaps as a scientific artist Leonardo da Vinci Code.

Learn about Leonardo da Vinci the scientist in the password, understand the relationship of art and science, the significance of this is us: excellent scientific research tends to be from the heart, out of the natural wonder of esthetic, concerned knowledge question, looking for the true scientific spirit. People who are interested in science is necessary to remind ourselves, to the pursuit of truth as guidelines into itself and for aesthetic action, rather than simply in order to survive or in Exchange for fame and fortune.

科技杂谈:达芬奇还设计过机器人 - IT资讯







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