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published in(发表于) 2016/11/30 7:28:46 Edit(编辑)
“Golden helmets“ to completion: permanently “seal“ the 4th reactor of Chernobyl,

“Golden helmets“ to completion: permanently “seal“ the 4th reactor of Chernobyl,(“金钟罩”完工:将永久“封印”切尔诺贝利4号反应堆,)



"Golden helmets" to completion: permanently "seal" the Chernobyl reactor 4th-IT information

According to foreign media reports, covering Chernobyl reactor 4th new protection hood on 29th of this month, the "golden helmets" permanently "seal" to Chernobyl. It is the world's largest removable metal device, 108 meters high and weighing 36000 tons, weighs about four times times the Eiffel Tower.

Local time on November 29, the Ukraine Chernobyl, covering Chernobyl reactor 4th new security shield completed.

Reported that the engineering and technical personnel in the 14th by hydraulic device that moves the huge prefabricated protection made with reinforced concrete vault, cover the nuclear reactors of the nuclear disaster that year lost a roof debris.

It is the world's largest removable metal device, 108 meters high and weighing 36000 tons, weighs about four times times the Eiffel Tower.

The unit cost of 1.6 billion dollars (about 11 billion yuan), built to replace the Soviet Union 30 years ago, "sarcophagus". The arched shield is the largest human-built movable structures on land.

The unit cost of 1.6 billion dollars (about 11 billion yuan), built to replace the Soviet Union 30 years ago, "sarcophagus".

Designers hope, the latest build of the protective cover over the next 100 years to prevent further leaks of radioactive material.

Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station is the largest nuclear disaster in human history, people were forced to evacuate in a radius of 30 km area, a large amount of radioactive material and sent in today's Ukraine, and Russia and Belarus and other regions, nuclear radiation effects continue to this day.

“金钟罩”完工:将永久“封印”切尔诺贝利4号反应堆 - IT资讯









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