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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:13:30 Edit(编辑)
Ali “double 11“ transaction is one hour and 5 minutes to break through the 10 billion

Ali “double 11“ transaction is one hour and 5 minutes to break through the 10 billion(阿里“双11”交易额5小时49分突破100亿 )

Ali "double 11" volume 5 hours 49 minutes exceeded 10 billion-11, Ali, Taobao, Jingdong, suning, trade quicker Inc Monrovia-IT information Ali "double 11" transaction is one hour and 5 minutes to break through the 10 billion

Annual electricity supplier "double 11" November 11, has officially begun. Ali "double 11" turnover of 6.7 billion yuan in the first hour, number of transactions exceed 25 million. 5:49, trading volumes reached 10 billion, 7 hours and 49 minutes earlier than last year. As Ali Group's most important annual event, Ali's new headquarters in Hangzhou xixi Park lights. The morning of November 11, Taobao, CAT technology, operations and public relations, virtually every sector need to work overtime. The whole Park was also decorated with the "festive atmosphere". Ali parallel in the interiors of giant electronic screens, number of announced transactions, order and distribution, the national logistics information such as road conditions.

Based on the electronic screen displays information, Ali dual 11-minute turnover broken billion, transactions number close to 340,000. 6 minutes after the commencement of trading, turnover exceeded 1 billion yuan. Less than ten minutes, the overall turnover has exceeded 1.5 billion yuan. Within an hour, Ali "double 11" for a total of 6.7 billion in turnover, number of transactions exceed 25 million.

This morning, 5:49, turnover exceeded 10 billion, more than double last year 11 7gexiaoshi49fen ahead.

Last year's "double 11", Ali Taobao and cat record 19.1 billion sales, including cat 13.2 billion, Taobao 5.9 billion. CAT had said not long ago, if the "double 11" with sales of more than 30 billion, may exceed the carrying capacity of the external logistics system and express explosive warehouse and user issues such as harvesting delays occurred. Ali Group Board Chairman Ma also said that fear of network congestion, cat treasure may be in "double 11" that appropriate limiting online flow.

Apart from Ali, including East, suning, the trade quicker Inc Monrovia network and major general and vertical, Amazon and other websites to join the "double 11" in the race. "Two 11" has become a domestic electricity supplier industry "festive". Premier Li keqiang earlier this month had expressed approval Ma, called the double 11 "has created a point of consumption".


阿里“双11”交易额5小时49分突破100亿 - 双11,阿里,淘宝,京东,苏宁,易迅 - IT资讯







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