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published in(发表于) 2016/11/27 22:02:21 Edit(编辑)
Chinese University campus part-time Telecom fraud areas: College students were asked to develop off the production line,

Chinese University campus part-time Telecom fraud areas: College students were asked to develop off the production line,(中国大学校园兼职成为电信诈骗高发区:大学生被要求发展下线,)



Chinese University campus part-time Telecom fraud areas: College students were asked to develop offline-IT information

"Now many false part-time on campus information, made some time ago 198 Boondoggle, and the other suspected pyramid selling, pay membership fees but encouraged people to join to earn commissions. "Yesterday, the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly organised by the Education Department of Guangdong Province, Guangdong" to financial literacy into school "advocacy day activities, a student reported to journalists. Guangzhou police said Li 珺 against telecommunications fraud Center, Telecom fraud focus of college students in the field of online shopping and part-time, part-time information don't trust online.

Part time traps:

Part-time to pay the membership fee but also development of typing line

Yesterday, in the Lee of University of reading students told reporters about August this year part-time experience strange behavior.

"I saw students type part-time information forward and earned extra money by typing Yes, then contact us via QQ on the recruitment of part-time people. "Li told reporters that contacts said, have to work part-time to pay the membership fee, high 198, junior 98 Yuan and promised to follow-up will no longer charge. And the difference is that the same number of words of both senior and junior high more money. Then, Li chose to 198.

"After joining, I found that task not focused on typing, but urged me to type a part-time information out, and commitment for as long as people join, you can earn high commissions, as a junior member, you can earn a Commission of 50 Yuan. "Li said not only that, after joining, contact also pulled her into the lab, who taught us how to make money, in addition to encouraging people to join outside of easy money, there are a variety of brush Taobao shop skills. "The teacher also reserved special praise for a junior high school student can pull quite a few people to join in a day, junior high school students even tell, say they earn thousands of Yuan a month. ”

However, Li said, contact occasionally typing task assigned, but almost impossible, such as within 3 hours of playing more than 40 minutes of video conversations all out. "After you join, feeling more and more wide of the mark, makes money by not typing at all, and I'm not going to pull people in, did not earn a penny, I choose to quit, when 198 boondoggle. "Li hoped that students see her encounter, don't be deceived.

Loan trap:

Not verifying the overdue borrowers information by "rogue" collection

Some time ago, media reported that university students due to the inability to pay "credits on campus" self-harm and suicide, and so on. Close to persons connected with the China Banking Regulatory Commission Chen Huang (a pseudonym) complained to reporters, campus credit lending in order to successfully without verification of borrower information, collection methods have no morality.

Chen Huang, said that some time ago when he received a phone call, saying their friends ' kids borrowed money late, and want to immediately pay back the money. "The children really are my friends ' kids, is the senior students. "Chen Huang said. But Chen Huang is very strange, why would lending platform called her? After all, she is not the borrower's relatives. Telephone that explanation is, borrowers fill out contact is Chen Huang. But Chen Huang is very clear, and borrowing platform I never checked with her before.

Later, Chen Huang rushed to a friend's child to understand the situation, its platform was on loan to 2000 Yuan for the tour last year, but not with his family said, and promised Chen Huang will go to repayment.

After less than a month, friends of the children still do not settle, Chen Huang had received the information from in the name of the child. "Information content as ' aunt and uncle well, because mothers infected with sexually transmitted diseases, ignored MOM and dad, and now your donation of 500 Yuan to help treat her mother. ' After seeing the message, I immediately contacted the boy's parents learned of this information are sending out are collectors. "Chen Huang said that collectors to collection letters, at the false information that seriously damage the reputation of others.


Looking for a part-time job through formal institutions

Students best not loan consumer

Guangzhou police said Li 珺 against telecommunications fraud Center, campus part-time is the high incidence of fraud, and fraud tactics constantly changing. Li 珺 reminder, college student looking for a part-time job, must be approved by a formal agency, do not easily believe that publishing part information.

In addition, online shopping is the high incidence of fraud. Li 珺 remind, is the end of rush, be alert to swindlers to refund, order, and "message undeliverable" banner, such as obtaining property by deception. Most of these fraudulent will lure the person deceived to open phishing sites, through Trojan virus steals banking card information on a mobile phone. Li 珺 reminded, in such cases, do not click on the website link, it should not leak code, official customer service Advisory should be called e-commerce site to confirm.

On-site activities related to those reminders, school students best not to consumer loans. If borrowing loan platform through campus network, to select qualified and compliance platform, and signed a formal contract; to learn more details such as interest rates, repayment terms, late effects, avoid falling into the trap of usury. In case of disputes or threatened, be sure to alarm.

中国大学校园兼职成为电信诈骗高发区:大学生竟被要求发展下线 - IT资讯




















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