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published in(发表于) 2016/11/22 11:11:00 Edit(编辑)
So rampant: Colombia drug traffickers using unmanned aerial vehicles smuggling drugs,

So rampant: Colombia drug traffickers using unmanned aerial vehicles smuggling drugs,(太猖獗:哥伦比亚毒品贩子使用无人机走私毒品,)



So rampant: Colombia drug traffickers using unmanned aerial vehicles smuggling drugs-IT information

According to the United States the business Insider reported on November 21, Colombia Bah seaside towns in the North-West of the country by the police, which found a Solano 286.6 pounds (about 130 kilograms) of cocaine buried on the beach, next to the drone parts to be assembled. Police say drug traffickers intended to use the drones in the North of the country, illegal goods to the border area.

"Criminals use unmanned aerial vehicles to transport the cocaine to Panama, each carrying 22 pounds (about 10 kilograms), transporting up to 62 miles (about 100 kilometers)," local police officer Jos é Acevedo added, "the drugs had been hidden, waiting for transport, Panama had other contacts will be receiving. ”

Acevedo also believes that cocaine was on the beach and Colombia drug cartels Urabá Los Urabe ? OS-related, which in Colombia has more than 10 years of activity, initially separated from the rebels in the country, specializing in criminal activities such as drug trafficking and terrorist attacks in recent years, rampant power.

As early as in 2010, Mexico authorities made a warning, saying that drug traffickers use unmanned vehicles carrying drugs, weighing about 100 pounds (45 kg) drone, capable of carrying 100 kg of drugs at a time.

In January 2015, drone aircraft flying a plane carrying 3 pounds of methamphetamine in Mexico crashed in a parking lot in Tijuana. September 2016, a 26-pound bag of marijuana into the United States-Mexico border cities of Nogales family, is likely to be by the unmanned transport.

太猖獗:哥伦比亚毒品贩子使用无人机走私毒品 - IT资讯

据美国《商业内幕》11月21日报道,哥伦比亚警方在该国西北部的海边城镇Bahía Solano发现了286.6磅(约合130公斤)可卡因埋在沙滩上,旁边还有待组装的无人机零部件。警方称,该国北部的贩毒分子意在借助无人机,将非法货物运到边境地区。


Acevedo还认为沙滩上的可卡因很可能与哥伦比亚贩毒集团乌拉瓦人Los Urabeños有关,该集团在哥伦比亚活动已有十多年,刚开始是从该国反叛军分离出来的,专门从事贩毒和恐怖袭击等犯罪活动,近几年实力猖獗。



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