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published in(发表于) 2016/11/22 11:10:53 Edit(编辑)
Obama’s tough words: snow must stand trial, not in the President’s pardon power,

Obama’s tough words: snow must stand trial, not in the President’s pardon power,(奥巴马放狠话:斯诺登必须回国受审,不会用总统赦免权,)



Obama's tough words: snow must stand trial, not in the President's pardon power-IT information

On November 22, CNET, according to foreign media reports, it is well known that United States President has the right to pardon, will Obama pardon Edward snow? On this issue, Obama's answer was "a man without a trial, without mentioning Amnesty? "He stressed that the snow must return the United States to stand trial.

Mr Obama told Germany magazine Der Spiegel (Der Spiegel) and Germany public broadcasters (ARD) which made these remarks in an interview with news agencies.

Lord Snowdon was United States National Security Council, former contractor employees, his secrets to journalists the Government was charged with violations of the Espionage Act (the Espionage Act). He disclosed a number of United States Government information for extensive oversight both at home and abroad. He is currently living in Russia.

United States President has the right to pardon, the President may pardon offenders have not been prosecuted or had not accepted the trial he. Lord Snowdon said he knew he would not get a fair trial under the Espionage Act, he disclosed United States acts of supervision on the grounds that the Government cannot be accepted. The Obama administration says, if the Lord Snowdon returning United States, he will benefit from the law, receiving due process.

In this interview, Mr Obama said, Lord Snowdon, in his expose in files, some legitimate questions. But he criticized official snow did not resort to the channels, use their own methods to disclose information practices.

Obama said: " If everyone took this approach to any question on its own, so it's hard to have an organized government or national security systems . ”

Lord Snowdon pardon Lord Snowdon, the representative's website by an article in response to Obama's speech, and the history of presidential pardon case without trial, for example, in cases that are not prosecuted, President Ford pardoned Nixon unconditionally President.

Lord Snowdon said that "President Obama must know about it. Himself earlier this year on Iran nuclear deal pardoned three within the framework of Iran-American. The three pardoned had been prosecuted but did not stand trial. Lord Snowdon, too, was indicted but not tried. ”

Think snow should follow the official Obama channel, for which delegates opposed.

They wrote, "Snow's disclosure was not because of dissatisfaction with the National Security Agency analyst, but discontent against the large-scale monitoring projects of the highest government bodies. Sinuodengruo official channels, can also cause change? Pure fantasy, not to mention we are now benefiting from the historic change. ”

奥巴马放狠话:斯诺登必须回国受审,不会用总统赦免权 - IT资讯


奥巴马在接受德国明镜周刊(Der Spiegel)和德国公共广播联盟(ARD)这两家新闻机构的采访时发表了以上言论。

斯诺登是美国国家安全局的前承包商雇员,他因把政府机密泄漏给记者而被控违反《反间谍法(Espionage Act)》。他披露了不少关于美国政府对国内外展开广泛监督的信息。目前他居住在俄罗斯。








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