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App friends canvassing army flood: two cents a piece,

App friends canvassing army flood: two cents a piece,(微信朋友圈拉票水军泛滥:投票两毛钱一张,)



App friends canvassing army flood: two cents a piece-IT information

"Please vote for me and forwarded! "Near the end, annual selection to face, in the face of Twitter friend circle from time's request to vote, some users worry that disclosing privacy, some netizens think they can" paint "and" voting "is not fair. In this regard, the municipal people's Congress Meng fanying, suggested that electoral units organized in networks, micro letter before the vote, should fully assess the necessity and fairness. In addition, stringent voting rules, and network management, avoiding speculative operations.

People experiencing

But for the canvassing becomes advertising

People wearing Lady Xuan Xuan, the son of school first grade this year, summer, she had seen kindergarten classes organized by a training agency courses, public information. As long as forwards the application, in the circle of friends the child and called on family and friends to vote, votes the top 3 children will have free classes. 4th to 10th place varying degrees of tuition are available.

Wear ladies get this information go to the family and friends, started everybody vote. That evening, Xuan Xuan tickets has reached the three-figure, wearing a red hair Lady is pleased to give the Group thank you. The next day, the votes of the other children are also catching up. Wear the woman immediately asked girlfriends sister and transfer the information to your circle of friends, launched friends of friends continued to vote, finally, Xuan Xuan has received a total of more than 400 votes. But Ms rangdai didn't expect is that final votes have all broken the top 10 thousand.

"It takes more than strong relationships! "Wearing women's inferiority complex as well as reaction from their pay packets to training institutions to advertise on a free flow. Soon after, one after the '90 ' new colleague told her that votes defeating is not difficult, Internet has specialized in brush business, the cheapest ticket 0.1 Yuan, 500 tickets for only 50 Yuan.

Worried friends help-fear of disclosure of information

White collar small Cedar circle of friends fresh style, has been dominated by books, film, music, and picture. But recently, her circle of friends is forwarding requests by friends and family to vote and "hijacked". "Last month was a nephew named MoE baby, last week voted for a colleague's beautiful short cat. Yesterday, the highest rated college classmate's father to the most dedicated employees. "Small said, some polling day only cast one vote, can then vote the next day. "Once a friend every day to remind me to vote than clocks. Some polling also showed that will get my photos and other information, I don't know if this will give privacy ". Rather than tired, little is more worrying.

Questioned whether Lottery trick

In addition to voting, citizen King, cast doubt on Twitter sweepstakes micro-letter. He said that in order to increase the amount of reading, at present many public and fans, have sprung up in the lottery. Some government departments send tickets, or tickets to the public, some enterprises and institutions, the public sent trial product, some popular personal public sent out promotional advertising products. These lucky draw prizes small movie tickets, large jewelry, but high and low alike, derived from free will let users move. They are in accordance with the requirements, or to forward the information to your circle of friends, or to fill in personal information, or participate in, public interactions. "Although the public, will announce the list of winners, but they draw do you have a trick? Is the platform behind the random, still has the designation? These sweepstakes, whether notarization? Being monitored? "Some netizens questioned.

Press enquiries

"The Navy" two cents

Beijing morning news reporters in the search for "brush" and realised that the relevant public, they leave the Web site, telephone, app, contacts, claims to have 100,000, some public army manual, one-hour record of 1.3 million votes cast. Reporters in Taobao search "brush" page display "according to relevant laws and regulations and policies cannot be displayed ' brush ' the baby." But for the keyword "vote" after searching, a lot of claims of "champion" team of vote, voting for character selection and other activities, also played "get 10 tickets into the shop," "my first" slogan. Reporters asked the price of several shops, the store said, General activity is 0.2 Yuan, 100 votes cast, concrete activities more difficult.

Meanwhile, Taobao have to sell Twitter account stores, claims that 1 you can buy 12 to vote account, account no forwarding, commenting features, just to vote. Some shops also operate public, fans, artificial reading of the business.

Representative suggested

Internet voting should assess the fairness

At the beginning of this year at the national people's Congress in Beijing, municipal people's Congress Meng fanying, is presented on the strengthening of the network, micro-vote management recommendations. Meng fanying, now through the Internet voting or of votes to judge people and became popular. From the "good character" to "cute baby", then to "cute pet competition for", it seems that only through Internet voting in order to separate the high and low, fair. However, in many cases, Internet voting is not one person, one vote, but by network brush votes, votes not voters, but will operate brush. Browser search for "micro-brush" you can see many links provided brush or operation of the software.

Meng fanying, told the Beijing morning news reporter, she experienced two similar situations. At the end of last year, the city had a "good doctor around" award, need to vote for the winner. Notification message will be sent out shortly after, colleagues and strangers give her a call, and even came to their door, asking whether you want to brush. There is a "named Meng Chong" competition, her vote and many friends to help a friend, friend's pet votes ahead. But at the near end of voting crucial moment, Meng Chong votes by several friends from behind a fierce shot, eventually won.

Meng fanying, said fair vote if only commercial operations, attract popular regardless of right and wrong, but use the Internet to vote to make a decision, it may appear inconsistent with the realities of his own mistakes, to award social good example, good character but also unfair and true. To this end, Meng fanying, suggested that one electoral unit in organizing networks, micro letter before the vote, should fully assess the need, fairness and representativeness. Second, strict voting rules and the network management model, anomalies in the polling process, avoiding speculative operations. Third, establish a hotline or contact and facilitate public supervision report.

Department response

Government Web site:

Will take measures to prevent brush technology

Meng fanying, representatives said the letter in reply, call for public opinion is divided into municipal government levels, the Board and the district autonomous business two types of work. Among them, the various committees and the district collection is mainly composed of independent organization this unit conducts, not city planning. Collection channels, divided into Web site, social networking site collaboration, mobile terminal such as micro-multi-sync publications.

Municipal information Commission is a window on the capital operation and Management Center of higher authorities, window on the capital increase in content publishing and rule management, the establishment of a unified user management system, online voting monitoring system, preventing malicious brush, configure IP voting rights.

Meng fanying, representative of the "brush" problem of capital window focus on network technology opinion collection of quality and efficiency. Including qualified IP, limited cookie, set the validation code and other means of preventing brush, particularly significant voting using identity confirmation vote, mobile phone Gets the CAPTCHA validation options for further strengthening the anti-brushing.

Next, the relevant departments will strengthen the analysis of social conditions and public opinion, data filtering collection topics, organized network, suggested that the Government institutions in the micro letter before the vote, should fully assess the need, fairness and representativeness of purifying the interactive environment, developing progressive collection and judging activities against meaningless awards and voting. Municipality on the Committee told the Beijing morning news reporter, a staff member, reply to vote is related to social conditions and public opinion against Government Web sites, and other commercial websites or network platform as well as voting by territorial management and Department management.

Business networking platforms:

Internet voting is no clear management

Municipal network Office, a staff member told the Beijing morning news reporter, there is currently no legislation aimed specifically at Internet voting terms and conditions. But the content of the Internet voting can be based on other laws that extend the management to, such as in the administration of Internet news information services provisions, does not allow commercial websites original political content, so that voting is not related to the content. Commercial network station or involve vulgar, and so on. In addition, the site should be from a technical perspective and rules to prevent voting behavior brush votes in.

微信朋友圈拉票水军泛滥:投票两毛钱一张 - IT资讯






























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