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published in(发表于) 2016/11/20 6:31:19 Edit(编辑)
Without money being cheated: shopping return fraud, 1 hour cheat 160,005,

Without money being cheated: shopping return fraud, 1 hour cheat 160,005,(没钱也被骗:网购遇退货骗局,1小时被骗16万5,)



Without money being cheated: shopping return fraud, 1 hour was lying to 16 million 5-IT information

This scam can be said to be an upgraded version of various cases of fraud. Used to be how much money you have, cheater cheated it, and this case is, money you did not cheat, let you borrow money to give him. Really so "God"?

Kobayashi was working near an office worker, before some recently she bought a data cable on Amazon's official website. But I didn't know it was her payment orders in the morning in the afternoon got a call from someone claiming to be the Amazon customer service, said her orders were to return.

Victim Kobayashi (not his real name): say I do not receive the goods, resulting in return. At noon received a call from the courier, Courier said things to me, but there is no service. So I believe.

Time, place and was not received in time, a series of details all match. This so-called customer service has made Kobayashi's initial trust. Then, in the so-called customer service staff, under the guidance of, Kobayashi's sign in to your Amazon account, found on the my account home page was prompt order is returned. At this time, the staff began to induce forest action a refund.

Victim Kobayashi (not his real name): first let me click on the website link, then let me lose a bank card, as well as the verification code. But is not successful, and she says he can refund via PayPal, his announcement was updated to through PayPal for a refund.

Kobayashi entered the so-called refund password prompts an error a few times. At this time, the customer service was changed to say that Lin can make loan products through PayPal for a refund. Kobayashi did not want to at this time, enter the so-called refund password again.

In fact, the so-called customer service people had spotted the small mobile phone PayPal credit products--ants in the forest by Bai.

Kobayashi told reporters that this loan product for some users to automatically open the lending function of the higher credit, and he did not know. When she discovered that ants take 165,000 yuan amount are displayed on, thinking it was the line of customer service personnel in accordance with the opening of the return process. Subsequently, Kobayashi has just opened this loan transfer to designated bank card customer service personnel.

But since then, the convincing claims that immediately returned $165,000 loan money disappeared and 50 Yuan, until this time, Lin found that he had been tricked.

Release bulletin layers set set cheated loans

As little as 1 hour, Kobayashi was cheat 160,005, cheats are how to get away with it?

First cheats do not know through what channels the Kobayashi Amazon shopping website's personal account, using Amazon personal page editing, editorial publishing so-called refund notices, refunds and embedded URL, which links to phishing sites. Do that, they will contact Lin told that orders have been returned, Kobayashi at face value and access to fishing sites, cheat a step by step of acquiring Kobayashi refund the verification code, then Kobayashi again for strange network lending product, lured him to open online loan features. At this time, Kobayashi by virtue of their previous credit line, able to borrow much money, that money is a liar.

In fact, Kobayashi's experience is not unique. There have been such cases since last year, so for the moment, Amazon's official website has been shut down the account editing the home page.

Internet "fraud" the person deceived rights difficult

After the deception, Lin reported the case the first time, before the cases have been cracked, her face every month up to 20,000 yuan loan. Lin questioned Amazon did not protect her personal account, and editing sets unreasonable and gave crooks the opportunity.

Alipay, Kobayashi and the focus of their argument is, why there is such a large line of credit, and loan approval process is rigorous. As you can imagine, this activist long and hard, both Amazon and PayPal to Kobayashi's reply is: waiting for the police to solve.

Experts teach practical prevention tips

Account has no money, but loan swindler away 160,005, the experience was a nightmare for Kobayashi. In order to let the other person is no longer similar when, experts advise consumers to be "mobile code", "phishing", "net lending products" on these keywords, enhance prevention awareness.

Experts stressed that: phone verification code is the last barrier of all transactions. Cheat no matter what, consumers cannot tell each other the verification code at any time. Meanwhile, consumers can also be provided through the following tips hints cheats phishing sites.

Anti-fraud expert Liu: when this involves the Bank interface, when interface of the property involved, have to carefully look at the Web site, is follow the HTTP with s, Web sites should be combined with the s to guarantee you the, encrypted transmission, so this is a very key point.

For more and more networks borrowing products, expert advice: consumers in the protection of personal information and code at the same time, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Online financial expert Shen Lei: around platform verification often will have two passwords, login password or password when password settings, do the same. When verified by phone, preferably with both phones are responsible for different functions. This way, you can avoid data after it has been stolen with your personal information on the Internet go online to borrow.

视频: Click here to watch

没钱也被骗:网购遇退货骗局,1小时被骗16万5 - IT资讯
























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