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published in(发表于) 2016/11/18 15:43:09 Edit(编辑)
Wang Jianlin Feng fired back: Wanda and the film fighting,

Wang Jianlin Feng fired back: Wanda and the film fighting,(冯小刚开炮王健林背后:万达和整个电影圈暗战,)



Wang Jianlin Feng fired back: Vantaa and the films dark war-IT information

Wang towards his film "small target" when met in a "nail."

At noon on November 18, Director Feng Xiaogang's personal micro-blog published an article of the Pan by a letter from Mr Wang, directed the richest man in China.

Feng Xiaogang's new movie is the cause I'm not suspected victims of Pan Jin-lian, Wanda cinema line "special care" in China when more than other theaters with an average 40% chip, as the first yard line Wanda cinema line, but only to the 11%. Feng Xiaogang that Wanda is passed down the movie, wanted to suppress competitors huayi brothers and Wanda television switched to the company's former General Manager of Jenin.

In an open letter, use taunt of Pan Jin-lian Wang Feng Xiaogang "childish" and "structure", lamented their "and that small firms have only slightly involved, also confused lay in the group under the guillotine".

Less than an hour, this open letter in Feng Xiaogang has nearly 20 million followers on Twitter was reprinted more than 10,000 times. Media have been forwarded, and soon potential formation in micro-circle of friends crowding the screen.

This July huayi Brothers released another film of the rock Tibetan Mastiff made when the same storm, many people found Wanda Goo, Communique once again. And there are others that, Wanda cinema shall, according to their own will chip, even if one does not arrange is understandable.

But it is not so simple. Wanda on the differential treatment of the I'm not Pan Jinlian, shelled after Wanda and Feng Xiaogang's films behind the wave of support, is the company in the past few years and the films the dark war.

Behind the differential treatment is unwilling, the I'm not Pan Jinlian was Wanda's children

In an open letter issued shortly after Feng Xiaogang, I'm no Pan Jinlian producer Dujan forwards in his micro-blog and commented: "four years long, I am a producer Li Xuelian, hard. Adhere to the film-why is it so hard? I have followed Mr Wang always for many years, I believe this is not the intention of Wang, of the I'm not Pan Jinlian, Wanda cinema line with open arms. ”

In du field and partner song GE established the Ferris wheel before pictures, she worked in film and television, Wanda is responsible for the overall project development. Four years ago, worked at the Wanda Dujan has bought the film rights of the I'm not Pan Jinlian, so this film at first is Wanda's children.

Dujan and song GE collective run, this project was also taken. But I'm no Pan Jinlian had not yet formed script, most industry insiders viewed it as an "interesting melodrama", which maybe Wanda big projects such as the searching Dragon drive left, willing to let go of the reason for this project.

But as Feng Xiaogang took over, brothers joined with China, starring fan bingbing, the I'm not Pan Jinlian gradually revealing large, watching their children so the signs in the neighborhood, Wanda is not ready.

Content is Wanda's pain, it needs content to attract enough people into shopping centers top the 300-seat of a dark room. In the past few years, Wanda has been invested in various ways and to develop their own projects, trying to establish their own production systems.

But whether du Pont, song GE coming out still leave Jenin, ultimately for the same reason: Wanda's management system, cannot provide a for these films do the content of the soil.

Jenin in a media interview has explained his reasons for leaving Wanda, "if only professional managers, I'm not leaving Wanda".

Also stood behind the movie cat's eye and Yiu Lai this is Wanda dreaded opponent

Media likes to see Wanda and huayi brothers each pinch, but compared to the huayi, the I'm not Pan behind the other two companies, and perhaps we can see today's indispensable role in the drama.

According to one of the people said about the entertainment capital, Yao Chiang Rai television by providing 500 million guaranteed, right to access to a 20% investment in the film. In order to complete the film's minimum target, which in turn hired the cat's eye for film distribution.

Yiu Lai path similar to Wanda in the film into the film industry, by investing in cinema built up a channel then gradually advancing upstream, investment and distribution of the film. Even though the absolute number of theaters, Wanda than yew Lai, the latter through the capital markets, is struggling to catch up.

Last November, ST song Liao Yao Lai announced by shell companies raised 2.5 billion yuan, of which 2 billion will be used to build 90 theaters, while Yao to culture will be producing 8 films, the remaining 500 million to supplement the film and television business. In July this year, Yao Lai follow Wanda opened its first home in Beijing in collaboration with Dolby, Dolby theater, strengthening the competitiveness of its high-end theater.

Compare Yao Lai, owned by cat's eye online distribution capability, has in the past few years were eaten by Wanda suffered. The 2014 national day, one of the heartlands of the cat's eye make up and advance mode become the new darling of the film industry, two months later, by Wanda Wuzhou guaranteed, Wanda cinema line escort saw modest receipts of the one step away and let more people question the release of Wanda and channel capacity.

In each are rarely this year to fill the movie's case, cat's eye decides to increase the ticket I'm not Pan Jin-lian, and led Wanda to be vigilant. It is most unwilling to see, is no longer a second of the heartlands.

Wanda may help a disservice, but Wang to think about how to become a better partner

Feng Xiaogang, after shelling, Wang Sicong tweets responded . He saw no people and money in vain, if I'm not at box office of Pan Jin-lian, Wanda will be according to the programmed processes increase the chip.

But the lines of the premise of the claim ratio can reach viewers see chip. If itself less games and non-prime time, so natural to see the audience, is also far from the box office counter attack increases chip.

However, this one in, one out, originally a hot film became a popular hot topic. Feng Xiaogang, of course, know the routine, otherwise he would not use such a desperate way to write such a letter got out, and offensive letter.

This time, Wanda "sniping" final results may have done disservice, and made the theatrical monopoly took out the old issues.

Hollywood by the paramount Act, banned the film company also has a cinema. But there is no such ban in the country, including Wanda, Boehner, huayi Brothers company in both film production and cinema business.

With growth slowing, channels through mergers became more concentrated, this "industrial chain" on the industry side effects will become more obvious. While sitting on the first yard line and Wanda distribution company, will face the biggest challenge.

Like I'm not Pan Jinlian, the emergence of more and more such incidents, Wang could not use company scores as a shield. I think even if he did not want to stand in opposite of the industry as a whole.

Mr Wang believes in speed of capital and power, but now most does not lack is the capital of China's film industry, the most dreaded is speed.

Wanda impossible dominance in the movie industry, which also means asking, he needed in busy scaring Hollywood at the same time, think about how their market, become a better partner.

冯小刚开炮王健林背后:万达和整个电影圈暗战 - IT资讯

































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