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published in(发表于) 2016/11/13 7:02:54 Edit(编辑)
Men listening called courier, pretending to shippers to receive Express,

Men listening called courier, pretending to shippers to receive Express,(男子偷听快递员打电话,假装货主领取快递,)



Men listening called courier, pretending to the owner to receive express-IT information

After having experienced double 11 Saturday, maybe you are happy to wait for the package, but need to watch out for is that Courier fraud come. Yesterday, Jiangbei district, Police advise, receive express pay more attention. The police, shapingba express brother Lee delivered a nearly 2000 Express, Mr Huang to buy electronics online. Sent to Mr Huang area doorway, Li called the yellow stairs to receive Mr. Less than half a minute, someone came a pickup, Li ask them surnamed Huang, they nodded, that Xiao Li to express to him.

After the signing, the other took the parcel to leave promptly. As Lee prepares to leave, and received a call from Mr WONG, asking Xiao Li's exact location. After Li found that Mr WONG's express was under false pretenses. Look under false pretenses, had disappeared.

Police warned that criminals take advantage of dual 11 express long difficult to take advantage of. Police investigation found that men falsely claimed Mr WONG to express specifically hang out in front of the community, eavesdropping on call courier, owner name, building down. Couriers, such as making phone calls, the man posing as customers, will express to take away. Courier found deception, it was too late.

Police said that, while not the norm, but busy when you receive Express, recipients and dispatchers to safety. Charge express process, to achieve the following 4 points:

A, unknown parcels, refusing to

For pay packages received with caution, if not to pay your purchase items online, especially strange parcels, courier costs more than paying fees, decisively rejected. In most cases, package something worthless, they may be trying to make a postage.

Solution: transcendental goods make payment.

Second, identity do not easily give, they may pretend to express send information

Upon receipt of a claim to express the call ID number and banking information, never provided.

Solution: before discard Pack, express, don't forget the destruction, or there might have leaked the name, phone number, address, and other personal privacy.

Third, official channels to verify

If you have claimed to be a courier company, it notifies you that a courier didn't have expired, you need to dial a call asking for information such as the ID card number or pay a certain fee for re-delivery, must be vigilant.

Solution: call the courier company official number or log on to express official website to confirm the query.

Four, online shopping up to express what

Best note buying time and place for each package, and keep track of the latest information in a timely manner, be aware.

Solution: If the shipment is not the goods they buy, please reject or return. Don't be cheap!

男子偷听快递员打电话,假装货主领取快递 - IT资讯

















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