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published in(发表于) 2016/11/11 10:04:28 Edit(编辑)
Dual 11-boyfriend refuses to pay the police lied about a woman being rape of Nanjing,

Dual 11-boyfriend refuses to pay the police lied about a woman being rape of Nanjing,(双11男友不肯买单,南京一女子报警谎称被迷奸,)



Dual 11-boyfriend refuses to pay, the Nanjing police lied about a woman being rape-IT information

Double 11 is in full swing, friends circulated such a word: who help me to clear cart, I'll introduce you to all my girlfriends, bubbles don't help you prescribe to me. More recently, this piece is "fulfilled"! Nanjing for a woman reported her being drugged date rape, but the real reason was her boyfriend did not help her empty cart. According to the Yangtze evening news reported that the woman claims a few days ago, a man asked her out, when two people ever had, she was unconscious, awoke to find herself in a hotel, lower body feel unwell.

Police investigation found that within six months the woman and the man complained against several rooms recording. Find the woman talking again, she admitted it was her boyfriend. Double shiyilai friends in show boyfriend clear cart, disagreed with the shopping cart emptied her and her boyfriend, who decide they do not love themselves at all, Flay police said he raped her.

Women expressed their regret, severely criticized the police for her education, no legal liability.

双11男友不肯买单,南京一女子报警谎称被迷奸 - IT资讯




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