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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 11:55:23 Edit(编辑)
A top Programmer’s 10 best practices

A top Programmer’s 10 best practices(一个顶级程序员的10条最佳经验 )

10 best experience of a top programmer-programmer, programming-IT information A top Programmer's 10 best practices

1, carefully select the first language

Different programming languages, but not so different from that. But people who use language differences will be big. Select a language you will choose a community.

– Sam Kaufman, Freelancer, iOS developer, 10x management

If you want to quickly build prototypes (especially for hope founder of iterative upgrades to the product), then use Ruby or Javascript

– Erin Parker,Spitfire Athlete founder and Chief developer

2, you're not Bob!

Great developers to construct and develop applications. Amazing developers to focus on business while doing such a thing. Business-side people don't know coding, but certainly can understand the motivation behind a particular feature.

What developers do what others say, not to try to understand why you want to do, resulting in both sides missed opportunities, such things are all too common.

– John Coggeshall, Freelancer, Web Developer, 10x Management,PHP core contributors

A good command of programming is a noble career goals. Once you complete this, don't forget to think about your own. Don't be a slave to any company or without wasting your time on something of value.

-Greg Sadetsky,Python and Javascript expert, 10x Managemen; collaborative office space founder

To be complete, project communication in advance before beginning the technical work (even if it is not a prerequisite), because other people are changing to respond.

Application developer – Andrew Wilcox,web, Meteor's core contributors, 10x Management

3, maintaining an agile, continuous delivery

Release early, have been releasing, while rapping side releases.

– Max Nanis, freelance web developer, bio-informatics experts, 10x Management

Continuous testing. Good test packages such as insurance policies and combining of the Canary in the coal mine. It will help you to find errors earlier in the production cycle, and the earlier you find out the easier solution.

– Jeremy Green, freelance web developer specializing in Ruby on Rails,10x Management

Fail-fast. Coding (and life), I would like to know where I can't work as soon as possible, rather than a proliferation of let it ride let it spread. Open, fail fast, and repairing defects, continue.

– Stephanie Volftsun,Knotch co-founder and CTO

Writing automated tests for all code! Practice test-driven development as much as possible.

Zoran Kacic-Alesic,Industrial Light&Magic – head of research and development

4, maintaining control over the testing process

Many projects favored by many test cycles in that country. This will drag down the project, cause high level issues for your organization as a whole.

Programmers should focus on unit testing and a regression test their own code. They know code base better than anyone else, know they can affect which changes. Sometimes such changes as QA testing range is limited and scarce, which cause significant production problems.

–Sanjib Sahoo,tradeMONSTER CTO

If you want to try your case as soon as possible to develop defect-free code, forever never to write tests in the back. We are more aware of this. To check the test coverage to ensure that 100% no dead ends.

Seth Purcell,Signpost – Vice President of engineering

5, if you are self-employed, have to learn to say no, even in the face of money

On a reasonable assessment of the time and cost, and then double it. If everyone said "it should be very simple," then do

– Ryan Waggoner, freelancers, Web and mobile application developers, 10x Management

6, the honor belongs to the past-theory is one thing, but practice is more important

The best way to improve the quality of software development is to develop software. Many ambitious just engineers spent a lot of time to read about the new tools, open process, that sort of thing.

Is that what a lot of people spend their leisure time, but it was very easy to you has been delayed. Come on, through the law as far as possible to reinforce that part of the brain is responsible for developing software.

– Ruby on Rails expert and lecturer James Cropcho,General Assembly

Continue to explore. I've seen a lot of coders have several on hand for business projects. Doing business project forces you to explore every aspect of new technology and to learn how to create applications. You may need to do the nose of HTML/CSS, the back-end API integration, database optimization, mobile app, and set up your server.

– Andrew Waage,Retention Science CTO and co-founder

7, twinning accreditation is your secret weapon

Pair programming is necessary. Two programmers developed jointly with a module can review each other's code. Team code review meeting to once a week, every developer give feedback to someone else's code, explaining how best to improve your code. To develop a culture of collaboration, give developers at your own up!

–Sanjib Sahoo

8, like hiding a plague to avoid premature optimization

Only on the problems and solutions appear in front of you when refactoring-refactoring is a huge waste of time too soon. Do not put half a year later on the perfection of anything that might have been thrown away. Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

–Seth Purcell

Don't be premature optimization! I continue to see engineers in the user not to 1000 repeated concerns about the expansion of scale to 1 million users.

Mariya Yao,Xanadu – founder and Creative Director of Mobile, mobile developers and designers

9, write your code only once, others will read it millions of times

You write code the machine will resolve implemented, but others may need to read your code, understand it, play with it. You must understand that your code has a future audience. Code is a form of written communication.

-Tracy Chou,Pinterest software engineer

Sounds strange, but you will never have to for the sake of their own future. Ask yourself: If you have amnesia, and you can understand what you write code?

– Wai Ching Jessica Lam,Sugarbox co-founder and CTO

Read through your document. Design changes a lot, sometimes when updating comment may or may not follow up. Keep the document updates, future people (including yourself) will find it easier to understand. I don't know how many times I looked back to your code, always thought: "what am I doing? "As long as I wrote the comment, much less headache in the future.

– Kitt Vanderwater,Google software engineer

10, this is a noble profession. Place to better your skills.

Helping others is the deepest human needs. Find a way to work with you to improve human, you will be assured of success.

–Greg Sadetsky


一个顶级程序员的10条最佳经验 - 程序员,编程 - IT资讯



–Sam Kaufman,自由职业者,iOS开发者,10x management


–Erin Parker,Spitfire Athlete创始人兼首席开发者




–John Coggeshall,自由职业者,web开发者,10x Management,PHP核心贡献者


—Greg Sadetsky,Python及Javascript专家,10x Managemen;协同办公空间Abri.co创始人


–Andrew Wilcox,web应用开发者,Meteor核心贡献者,10x Management



–Max Nanis,自由职业者,web开发者,生物信息学专家,10x Management


–Jeremy Green,自由职业者,web开发者,专长Ruby on Rails,10x Management


–Stephanie Volftsun,Knotch联合创始人兼CTO


–Zoran Kacic-Alesic,Industrial Light & Magic研发主管




–Sanjib Sahoo,tradeMONSTER CTO


–Seth Purcell,Signpost工程副总裁



–Ryan Waggoner,自由职业者,web及移动应用开发者,10x Management




–James Cropcho,General Assembly的Ruby on Rails专家及讲师


–Andrew Waage,Retention Science CTO及联合创始人



–Sanjib Sahoo



–Seth Purcell


–Mariya Yao,Xanadu Mobile创始人兼创意总监,移动开发者及设计师



–Tracy Chou,Pinterest软件工程师


–Wai Ching Jessica Lam,Sugarbox联合创始人兼CTO


–Kitt Vanderwater,Google软件工程师



–Greg Sadetsky


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