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published in(发表于) 2016/11/11 10:04:21 Edit(编辑)
Chrome users want to cry: due to a material defect into hacker ATM

Chrome users want to cry: due to a material defect into hacker ATM(Chrome用户想哭:因重大缺陷成黑客取款机,)



Chrome users want to cry: due to a material defect into hacker ATM-IT information

According to foreign media reports, cybercriminals are very good at zero lag in using software vulnerabilities , they do not require developers to leave them out for a long time, but If the developers without fixing the defects in the software for a long time, they are welcome. Google is therefore welcomed by the cyber criminals.

On the security front, Google's track record is very good, but this time it is "let slip". A security flaw to be found as early as 2014, is still Windows technical support the cheat is used to stir up trouble.

The past few years cyber criminals a way to blackmail the user is, to users to misrepresent their PC infected with a malicious, require users to pay a fee to help them to remove the malicious . Their "gimmicks", leads users to believe that they provide a service, but in fact they are just defrauding money from users.

The success rate of these cheats are surprisingly high. Microsoft's survey showed that some one-fifth users would have got.

Why not Google moves to amend the flawed? Because it is not considered a defect. It will only cause Chrome not responding or a user's browsing history information disappears, but will not be used as an attack vector. Now users are deceived, Google should be taken seriously.

Recently, Google and Microsoft are due to a defect in Windows there is controversy. Google discovered the flaw and notified to the Microsoft. According to its policy, Google will give Microsoft 10 days to fix defects. Microsoft did not within the 10-day bug, Google made public details of a defect.

In the majority of the world's desktops and laptops running Windows operating system, for its development , and testing and Deploying a patch for 10 days, don't have much time. Microsoft must ensure that a one-off bug properly. Google and Microsoft are clear, only in the case of Flash plugin still has some defects, the flaw could be used by hackers to stir up trouble, but Adobe has released a patch.

Chrome用户想哭:因重大缺陷成黑客取款机 - IT资讯








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