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delv published in(发表于) 2013/11/8 9:51:55 Edit(编辑)
Scientist: “time travel“ can only be made to the future

Scientist: “time travel“ can only be made to the future(科学家:“时间旅行”只能向未来进行 )

Scientist: "time travel" can only be made to the future |
IT information network On September 13, 2013

Real time travel? This problem has plagued physicists, researchers say that time travel was impossible, or we'll kill your own grandfather.

From the United Kingdom physicist Professor bulaien·kaokesi that time travel is possible, but there is a limitation that we can only be time travel into the future, it is impossible to go back. Time travel is a lot of science fiction plot, the future of human beings through time travel back to any point in time, according to current theory, "back to" vocabulary in this time travel seems impossible, we can move into the future. Cox believes that we can build a time machine, its prototype spacecraft close to a boat at high speeds.

If we could build a spaceship in flight velocity approaching the speed of light, then that the ship's "time" slows down , within the framework of the theory of relativity, for thousands of years in the people of the Earth may have been, but the astronauts aboard experienced only a few hours, apparently running close to the speed of the spacecraft into a time machine. In general relativity, we can time-travel, Cox believes that exists in the universe is called "wormhole" tunnel, is a convenient channel for space and time travel.

But most physicists doubt, we don't even know how to keep the wormhole open State, let alone a spaceship enter the wormhole to time travel. In Einstein's theory of relativity equation allowed wormhole channel holding time is very short, and its size is very small , and create a wormhole story seems only likely to appear in science fiction. Studies have shown that involved created the wormhole needs exotic matter, which helps maintain a wormhole opening.

(科学家:“时间旅行”只能向未来进行 | IT资讯网






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