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published in(发表于) 2016/11/8 13:17:29 Edit(编辑)
“Gold single dog“ new definition: a monthly income of 8000_, men 178cm women 163cm,

“Gold single dog“ new definition: a monthly income of 8000_, men 178cm women 163cm,(“金牌单身狗”新定义:月入8000+,男178cm女163cm,)



"Gold single dog" new definition: a monthly income of 8000+, information on male 178cm female 163cm-IT

According to the statistics released in 2015, China's gender imbalance is already a major problem in society, to the end of 2014, County had a population of 1,367,820,000 people, of which male population of 700.79 million people, full beyond the female population of 33 million people.

Now, single are became China one or two line city young increasingly mainstream of lifestyle, for single groups of survey is rather interesting, according to Beijing Morning News reported, monthly can dominated income over 8000 Yuan of can called "gold single a family", male height 178CM most by welcomes, is not more high more good, women most by welcomes height is for 163CM; mate age poor in 7 age within for best range; 42.78% of single girl think matched is important, 90.17% Single guys think feelings are more important.

Even more surprising is that over 60% people agree with "spare tire-dating", determine the date before a relationship can be and 2-3. What do you think?

“金牌单身狗”新定义:月入8000+,男178cm女163cm - IT资讯




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