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published in(发表于) 2016/4/2 8:32:51 Edit(编辑)
Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou: 4 years makes sharp turn around! ,

Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou: 4 years makes sharp turn around! ,(鸿海董事长郭台铭:4年让夏普扭亏为盈!,)



Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou: 4 years makes sharp turn around! -The company, sharp, Foxconn Terry Gou-IT information

IT information on April 2, days of "hung-summer love" finally airness, Hon Hai officially signed a purchase agreement with the sharp , to less than $ 4.5 billion price to win the sharp.

Links a joint news conference after the signing ceremony, Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou said over the last few months, Hon Hai has been deeper mutual understanding with the sharp, to understand each other′s strengths and weaknesses.

He said Hon Hai can support sharp continues to develop innovative capabilities, also has the ability to make sharp products more quickly in response to market demand, Hon Hai′s cost advantage is also the sharp guarantee future competitiveness. Although sharp is in deep financial trouble, but it′s TV and white goods business in the global market is still in the vanguard.

Onsite Media asked Terry GOU, when you can make sharp turnaround, he said, his mind already has blueprints and ideas, estimated time of 4 years can make sharp out of the red.

鸿海董事长郭台铭:4年让夏普扭亏为盈! - 鸿海,夏普,富士康,郭台铭 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 4月2日下午,持续多日的“鸿夏恋”终于修成正果,鸿海与夏普正式签署收购协议,以不到45亿美元的价格拿下夏普。




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