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published in(发表于) 2016/11/8 13:17:25 Edit(编辑)
The app “red trap“: known as the “World Watch“, price only 5.8,

The app “red trap“: known as the “World Watch“, price only 5.8,(微信“红包陷阱”:号称“世界名表”,进价仅5.8元,)



The app "red trap": known as the "World Watch" cost only RMB 5.8-IT information

Now many people will choose to pay micro-shopping, and many businesses in order to attract consumers, micro letter envelopes will also be introduced, various micro-sweepstakes is endless. Many people think that drew the red envelope will get concessions, but in fact will go a little careless cheater trap.

Recently, many Shanghai citizens have received a micro-cat Mall-like letter envelopes, just click, there will be congratulations red envelopes in Word and page also suggests forward again in the circle of friends sweepstakes. Number of forwarding the public lottery, they'd won claims valued at 2980 fashion watches. Business advocacy, as long as the courier fee paid 49 Yuan, you can get watches, but after receiving the watch, citizens did not fall for her.

Network security team police Fang Yu in Minhang district, Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau branch: opened the parcel found that this watch is not as propaganda says, a fine watch is actually a cheap watch

Micro-advertising, businesses claimed that watches Switzerland all steel movement, Sapphire's world watch, worth nearly $3000, but after you receive the goods, we found watch very light weight, appearance, as mentioned in the rough not publicity, after learning of the deceived citizens making alarm calls.

After investigation, police quickly targeted the group the use of letter envelopes fraud criminal gangs from their computer, police found the purchase price of the watch, October 19, 2016, the suspect spent 17400 purchased 3000 Watch works out to this poor watch each block purchase price of 5.8 Yuan. According to statistics, only one month's time, the gang shipped more than more than 500 single, fraud for more than 50,000 yuan. At present, the Group 2 key suspects have been detained and the case is under further investigation.

微信“红包陷阱”:号称“世界名表” 进价仅5.8元 - IT资讯






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