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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:30:41 Edit(编辑)
Treatment of “Internet addiction“ boy: eat cabbage and tofu, not eating was electric shock,

Treatment of “Internet addiction“ boy: eat cabbage and tofu, not eating was electric shock,(被治疗“网瘾”男孩:顿顿吃白菜豆腐,不吃就被电击,)



Treatment of "Internet addiction" boy: eat cabbage and beancurd, do not eat a shock-IT information

When asked how the aggressive child when conducting psychotherapy, one staff member said: "without fail, no models for everyone to find the most suitable ways to help them become ' complete '. ”

Are considered to suffer from "serious Internet addiction" in those years, Wei Zi Han feel lethargic, always inexplicable anger, spent a week in Internet cafes.

But he said that they had never been online gaming control. "Really wanted to organize a team playing games together to make money. "Wei Zi Han himself likened the actions of a business.

In 2008, the school Bulletin Board plastered with "Internet addiction, makes genius Warcraft" "online games, electronic heroin" poster. Wei Zi Han passing glance, disdain and walk away.

Dropped out a year later, Wei Zi han be sent to an addiction treatment center. Even today, he still felt that "Internet addiction is more of a crime he didn't commit."

Unprecedented enthusiasm and public discussions of addiction is high. "Spiritual opium" and "without attention to addiction will ' descendants '" and "don't let millions of youngsters to become Web slave" endless. Internet addiction has become controversial labels posted on the Internet in China.

"The flames of war has long been fractious, first parents have launched a war of self-defense, followed by doctors, teachers and government workers to join the war. "Report on the battle of magic depicted in literature that day.

Whether Internet addiction is a mental illness, is a controversial topic

"Addiction is a disease, is nonsense. "From the Internet addiction treatment institutions 6th year, Wei Zi Han still deny that they got sick.

In 1995, the United States Psychiatry physicians psychology of Yiwan·gedengboge in a forum that "Internet addiction" that phrase, and developed a "finger typing would be made consciously or unconsciously" 7 such as diagnostic criteria.

Since then, Internet addiction is disease controversy began.

Not long after, Goldenberg stated that he just wanted to make a joke, just referring to the definition of pathological gambling, make up the diagnostic criteria.

"If you extend the concept of addiction to each behavior of people, you will find people addicted to reading, running addiction, addiction to bond with others. "In 1997, he told the New Yorker said.

Until now, whether Internet addiction is a mental illness, is a controversial topic. 2001, China promulgated by the Chinese Psychiatric Association mental disorder classification and diagnostic criteria of (3rd Edition) or Internet addiction related discussion. Since then, this standard has not been updated.

More than 10 years, PLA, Director of the addiction treatment center, Tao has always adhered to the "Internet addiction is a psychological disease". For this proposition, he published more than 70 papers. As "Internet addiction" development of diagnostic criteria included 9 United States Psychiatric Association released in 2013, the mental illness diagnosis and Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition).

Although this manual points out that online games addiction "lack of defined standards," "lack of epidemiological studies" and worthy of further study, does not belong to the identified mental illnesses. But rejoice, it's like addiction to mental illness of "draft", "after the next amendments were included in the official directory. ”

He told reporters, today many people do not recognize addiction as a disease, is rooted in mental illness mental illness and an equals sign in the picture, "mental illness generally refers to serious mental disorders, such as schizophrenia."

According to an authoritative report: Chinese above the age of 15, all kinds of mental disorders for more than 100 million people, 16 million of them are patients with severe mental disorders.

In the eyes of carefree, mental problems to meet the two sections called disease: loss of social function, for example does not work, go to school and brought pain to themselves and others.

Weizihanlai said that the pain of himself, probably from a good student gap reduced to poor students.

"I am before the grade five junior high school, high school games, and even could not get the middle. ”

At that time, he was hooked on a game called fantasy westward journey. Take 15, you could hang out in Internet cafes for an evening, he might as well live in the Internet.

"Hardly speak to her family, who said I had around ' Internet addiction ', I don't believe it. "Until now, he still insists on people is not being controlled.

Standards regulating agencies to be there, making the treatment standard premise was to recognize that addiction is a disease

Was cheated into Internet addiction treatment center that day, my father said to him: "your grandfather was in the hospital, we went to see. "He was out of six or seven people, was forced to accept a shock treatment.

In 2004, the Netherlands people Kaite·bake opened Europe's first Internet addiction clinic in Amsterdam.

Clinic launched 4-6-week treatment program, provides addiction treatment and cure for gambling and drink similar, € 500 per day. Two years later, the researchers found, Netherlands men's treatment has failed.

In 2010, the China Youth and children Research Center on juvenile Internet addiction and countermeasures of research, the study thoroughly 65 treatment institutions in China, most of the "school", over 30%, followed by the "non-profit organization", "company" and "training". "Medical services" accounted for more than the minimum, only 4.

Reports show that most correction institution received approval from relevant departments, education departments in China up. However, several institutions are granted or registered business scope and is not relevant to addiction treatment.

"Anyone who wants to ban Internet addiction treatment institutions can do. "Tao ran some indignant.

In his view, the emergence of electroconvulsive therapy, it is because of Internet addiction treatment method is chaotic, Internet addiction should be included in the category of mental illness, by the Department of health admitted.

Before him is a "loop": the standards regulating agencies to be there, making the treatment standard premise was to recognize that addiction is a disease.

A few years ago, former Ministry of health spokesman said there is no medical institution are granted special treatment for Internet addiction. For other medical institutions, by other departments, who approved, who monitor.

In addiction treatment centres, Wei Zi Han was sent into shock almost every room. His meal food is Chinese cabbage and tofu. "No oil, not eating to electric shocks. "The mother is on the side monitor.

One "patient", told reporters, "If you put low frequency pulse therapeutic apparatus likened to 30 pin power cable ties you, the ' first generation ', electroconvulsive therapy is 300, 400 needle".

"Low-frequency pulse therapeutic instrument second-class health care products just a cover for essence and electroconvulsive therapy and is not much different. "Tao ran said that after receiving electroconvulsive therapy may experience headaches and confusion, irregular heartbeat, cognitive damage, brain damage and other adverse reactions, teenagers must be used with caution.

The researcher is worried: "electric shock treatment is the indication, is mainly aimed at serious risk of suicide, mania, schizophrenia patients who in addition can not be used. ”

Nor did he admit that shock treatment is aversion therapy, not make patients sick with punishment games. "It brings fear, fear would only deepen the inferiority complex. ”

Tao have been to Germany after visiting the local addiction treatment facility. Treatment weixier addiction clinic incredible: art therapy, such as painting, theatre, singing, etc; exercise therapy, such as swimming, riding, sitting, natural therapies, such as gardening, growing vegetables, Cook your own.

"Of course, if you do not want to treat Internet addiction, your guardian may apply to the Court for enforcement. "Tao told reporters.

Doctors can't even see their patients, how to do Internet addiction treatment institutions

From addiction treatment centres, shortly after Wei Zi Han out of play for a few years, and began smoking, drinking, Internet access.

There was a time, he always reminds me of the girl receiving treatment, "nail cutting veins, the blood flow a."

An addiction treatment facility in the Beijing suburbs, meet the "patients" first thing, not a shock, but the assigned psychiatrist.

And, as elsewhere, most of the children here are deceived by their parents, many people here used to cry. Agency's response is: let them make, make to the meijin.

Is a freshman Center for Internet addiction after the crying of the child calm down, being taken to have a physical examination.

His body being diagnosed with excessive levels of lead. The doctor said "this may mean that he has unusual attention, feeling, and behavior. ”

MRI results showed that when the children were playing video games, and individual emotions and needs related to the brain uses more, regardless of the level of logical thinking and coordination related to the page using less.

Base psychiatrist Wang Lei told reporters that they only vitamin, "If depression, similar stability will be sent to the hospital to see, it is only responsible for Internet addiction. ”

Main treatment is built around here. In addition to group therapy, there are at least two opportunities for one-on-one exchanges. Usually in addition to military training, the patient has about 5 hours free time each day.

When asked how the aggressive child when conducting psychotherapy, one staff member said: "without fail, no models for everyone to find the most suitable ways to help them become ' complete '. ”

Not only are children, parents of patients, each need to complete 120 hours of learning.

Base on the wall of a corridor, close to a slogan, always stimulating to parents: "any failure of success is not to educate their children. "According to the statistics, the occupational distribution of the first three of these parents are: civil servants, teachers, bosses.

In Korea, Internet addiction treatment base used both private and official mode of co-operation: Korea Ministry of health and welfare from 2011 onwards, every year for all primary IV grade, junior high school, high school students check the addiction.

The "potential risk" students under the consent of the guardian, I am, at the municipal, County and district youth advisory support centres for consultation.

Need treatment "high-risk groups", you were asked to contact the mental health centres and hospital treatment, treatment fee will be paid 30~50 million won per person. Game companies also need to fund addiction treatment, the establishment of specialized addiction treatment facility.

Beijing ANDing hospital pediatric Department Director Cui Yongsheng said: "psychiatric hospital addiction treatment in the country, is not realistic. ”

He told reporters that: "once the child's addiction, open treatment is difficult to control, require at least two or three months in a closed environment. ”

China's psychiatric hospital's human, material and financial resources, he said, "he can't even see their patients, how to do Internet addiction treatment institutions. ”

This is a "cut the cake" of old problems. "The need to focus on a lot of diseases, autism, 10 million people, still does not have a National Autism training center, how can it balance? ”

When it comes to solutions, said Cui Yongsheng, to encourage private capital to start-up Internet addiction treatment institutions.

Sometimes, even the Tao does not know what view, working for more than 10 years of Internet addiction treatment center.

"It is like a hospital, this goes without explanation. It was like school, there are many courses of psychotherapy, and kindergarten, children are mentally not mature, we have a lot of staff to take care of him. It was a bit like a juvenile, has a lot of children go astray, we want to bring him back. ”

(Interview requirements, Wei Zi in Korean pseudonym)

被治疗“网瘾”男孩:顿顿吃白菜豆腐,不吃就被电击 - IT资讯

































































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