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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:30:17 Edit(编辑)
I give my notebook “in the bag“ blew, it was turned into a table,

I give my notebook “in the bag“ blew, it was turned into a table,(我给笔记本“内胆包”吹了口气,它居然变成了桌子,)



I give my notebook "in the bag" blew, it would end up the table-IT information

IT information news on November 8, in the well-known Kickstarter came a raised platform known as YouP inflatable mobile stand computer desk, this product seems indistinguishable from a notebook bag, but air can be used as a mobile stand computer desk.

This inflatable computer desk features are easy to carry, small footprint, and as a stand-up computer desk can help ease the commuters sitting at the computer all day low back pain problem (as a stand-up computer desk).

After using the inflatable plug can be pulled out.

In addition, YouP is also equipped with a new application that can detect whether a user uses the computer's time to help users protect the lumbar and cervical spine.

YouP is now raised on Kickstarter, offers blue, gray, green and pink four colour options, divided into mini versions of 36X26X25 cm and 36X26X35 cm of the regular Edition, the early bird (early bird) price is 40 euros, about 300 yuan.

Interested students can click here to enter Kickstarter's official website

我给笔记本“内胆包”吹了口气,它居然变成了桌子 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 11月8日消息,在知名众筹平台kickstarter上出现了一款名为YouP的充气式移动站立电脑桌,这款产品在平时看起来与一个笔记本内胆包无异,然而充气后可以作为移动站立式电脑桌使用。




目前YouP正在kickstarter上进行众筹,提供蓝、灰、绿和粉红四色可选,分为36X26X25厘米的迷你版本以及36X26X35厘米的普通版,早鸟(early bird)价为40欧元,约合人民币300元。


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