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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/7 8:53:21 Edit(编辑)
China Unicom, China Merchants Bank - _ first hybrid Internet financial company,

China Unicom, China Merchants Bank - _ first hybrid Internet financial company,

China Unicom, China Merchants Bank = + first mixed Finance Corporation-the technology of the Internet, China Unicom, China Merchants Bank-IT news China Unicom, China Merchants Bank = + first hybrid Internet financial company

Joint injection by China Unicom, China Merchants Bank subsidiary joint information technology company recently established in Shenzhen. This is the first "Bank + carriers" the ownership structure of the information technology (IT) company, specializes in Internet financial innovation.

Focus on financial innovation in the Internet

"Technology has about 30 employees, General Manager Zhang Yangqing from China Merchants Bank, Deputy General Manager appointed by the China Unicom. There are several people who are coming in from China information technology Department, office location, being in the high-tech Park, Shenzhen Nanshan of China financial Electronics Research and Development Center ", near the joint science and technology person told the securities times.

Industrial and commercial registration information shows that technology was founded in April of this year, with registered capital of 40 million Yuan. The company had two shareholders, namely the Bank of China international investment consultation (Shenzhen) company, and China Unicom, invested 20 million Yuan. Among them, the CMB international investment consultant (Shenzhen) company is wholly owned by China Merchants Bank subsidiaries.

In fact, the technology of established unusually low-key, securities times, call the members of the Head Office of China Merchants Bank, the other side has said it is not aware of the matter.

According to the securities Times reporter, nearly two months after the establishment of science and technology does not engage in substantive business. "They are almost daily meetings to explore specific business content, from business post to post in the background have to come up with their own proposals, which hasn't finalized. The direction is determined, everything is about the Internet's financial innovation. "The aforementioned sources said.

Zhaopin website with regard to the introduction of technology might be the side that the business profile of the company: United Technologies is financial innovation of Bank Group, to explore the Internet and established an independent operating company, will use Internet technology combined with financial expertise, and actively explore the Internet financial innovation development model.

Entrance technology zhilian, Hunt recruited, o, and other major job sites to hang out with personnel needs further illustrates the problem--in addition to the system operation and maintenance, network configuration and management, data analysis, information technology companies such as mobile terminals developed outside the General post, gang of Internet financial services, consumer finance business development job throws up a column.

"China retail business had been relatively strong, while consumer finance is a more important one, so its consumer finance business is also possible. "One brokerage analyst who declined to be named said.

Cooperation to develop permeability

"Banks and carrier is a win-win situation, particularly in terms of retail business," CASS Financial Bank said Zeng Gang, Director of the Research Office, banks, with the help of operators importing old and new customers, increase customer stickiness is perhaps one purpose. Banks to compete with their peers in a variety of ways to broaden its customer source, with the operator's cooperation is just one path.

Marriage between the two conditions over time, almost all major banks have signed a strategic cooperation agreement with operators: the former for the latter to provide efficient financial services, which is helping the former to improve information management and service level. This is the strategic level and cooperation at the primary stage.

Internet access financial stage, directly to the three carriers are playing on Abacus fencing financial product sales, telecommunications, Unicom feet offers the balance value added financial service--before and after Tim yibao, call treasure, moves brewing launched the "treasure" category. Among them, Tim yibao is a product of telecommunications and Minsheng banking cooperation. In this regard, the brokerage analyst said, "that belongs to the Bank and the second stage of the carrier, but biased track, that is, banks or subsidiaries develop products, through the operator's online sales channels. ”

And the establishment of the joint science and technology, declared the Bank into deeper levels of cooperation with operators – research and development. Zeng Gang said this level of cooperation is not limited to operator's Sales Department of banking products at platforms, but on the massive amounts of user data provided by the operators, designing innovative products to meet customer demand.

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