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published in(发表于) 2016/11/7 22:30:09 Edit(编辑)
Cow stomach to put a sensor: sick automatically sends text messages,

Cow stomach to put a sensor: sick automatically sends text messages,(奶牛胃里放个传感器:生病自动发送短信,)



Cow stomach to put a sensor: sick automatically sends SMS-IT information

Then, in Austria, a group of sick cows will text ... ...

Is true, a start-up company called SmaXtec, they put sensors on the cow's stomach, these sensors can be passed through the WiFi cow health data.

Each sensor is probably the size of hot dogs, by a metal rod inserted cow's rumen (the first stomach of cattle), and buried in them, like this:

Photo: Bloomberg

Sensors to track temperature, stomach pH value, cows, moving, and other activities, and be able to identify whether a cow is eager to be describing the State of things ... ... (Cow: I not the whole cow! )

In addition, the sensor can determine whether the cow is pregnant, accuracy up to 95%.

What's the point of this feature? So, in front of the calving cows, because, after all, milkman, and milk production of explosion, so farmers can take advantage of this time, squeeze a little more milk.

In short, when the sensor detects a cows body condition is changed, it will send notification messages to the farm workers. According to Bloomberg, the sensor on the battery can last for about four years.

Photo: QZ

When the cow disease, it is often difficult to perceive in the infancy until the cows when the illness was clearly showed, had missed the optimal treatment period. Sensor from the inside view to the reality, which enables us to discover clue to avoid delay of the illness.

According to reports, there are currently more than 20 countries nearly 350 farms were using this technology. Over the past 6 years, United Kingdom has 15000 cows implanted the sensor.

Photo: SmaXtec

At the same time enjoy the benefits of technology, is also a price to pay. This set of equipment is divided into two parts: the network settings for $600, $75-400 per cow, these costs shall be borne by the company or distributor, local farmers only by month for each cow to pay for $10.

奶牛胃里放个传感器:生病自动发送短信 - IT资讯














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