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published in(发表于) 2016/11/6 9:48:51 Edit(编辑)
Being lied to for years: Steve Jobs finally video prove false,

Being lied to for years: Steve Jobs finally video prove false,(被骗好多年:乔布斯最后视频被证实作假,)



Being lied to for years: the last video prove false-IT jobs information

Bottom line: jobs ' final video is fake.

Two words: this is after the death of Steve, it was deliberately distorted, generate network traffic of fake video. Steve's video clips, transplanted in the Wall Street Journal's AllThingsD Conference in his classic scenes.

2011 on October 5, the Apple co-founder, former CEO and Chairman jobs departing for pancreatic cancer recurrence. Before the Silicon Valley legend continuously changing computers, music, mobile phones, media industry, such as, created a iPhone as a representative of the post-PC era. His departure not only become the focus of global media coverage, more techno-geeks feel infinite pity.

In the wake of his death, circulated on the Internet a video is Steve jobs is said to be the final meeting syncope. In the video, jobs seems to discuss how to reverse the adverse situation of the media industry, but fainted due to exhaustion in the room. And the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die, such a scene, of course, moving.

However, this is a fake video. But must say, counterfeiters clip means good. Now to match-fixing, reveal this Steve Jobs video where the hell away.

First, jobs in the video sitting in a giant red leather chairs, black Office chairs and other people is totally different. This classic red leather chairs, fruit powder has many memories--this is Steve Jobs saw the Wall Street Journal's AllThingsD Conference accepted United States veteran technology media Mossberg interview segments. The Red Chair, now MO is also retained.

Second, the jobs inside the video to say a few words, "find new channels and let the media get paid revenue" actually comes from his 2010 at the D8 Conference interview clips. That year, he accepted an interview with Mossberg, talks about how to make the New York Times obtained new collection in the digital age. Several fake video fragments can be found in that part of the interview. This evidence alone is sufficient to determine the video is totally fake.

Third, video first jobs was only half exposed, obvious and three to the left of the talk is not a style of painting. This is video counterfeiters will be Steve's video clips to a video of the results. Until the times of Steve jobs to speak of, close-up video camera angle quickly into jobs, that means jobs across a man in the shooting. But jobs before and after video footage appeared on the front of the separation, which is the result of PS.

Finally, Steve Jobs Apple, is famous for its culture of strict confidentiality, would not divulge any companies involved in development planning and business planning occurs. Apple's internal security Department and even on different parts of intentionally releasing false information, to monitor which is leaked to the media sector. Recording video of a local business, in an era of Apple, it is almost impossible, not to mention the two flight while shooting video.

Finally, Steve Jobs who has a number of counterfeiters. When there is a very wide spread of online the secret diary of Steve jobs blog (and later book), imitating his arrogant tone, sarcasm and technology industry and the people. In fact, it comes from Forbes senior editor dannier·laiangsi (Daniel Lyons).

And compared to the diary of fake Steve jobs, fake video of the final session of this jobs, making rough pattern broken in Tucson. (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

被骗好多年:乔布斯最后视频被证实作假 - IT资讯










最后,乔布斯生前已经有不少造假者。当年网上有一个流传很广的《乔布斯的秘密日记》博客(后来还出书了),模仿乔布斯的自大口吻,挖苦讽刺科技行业与人物。实际上,那来自于《福布斯》资深编辑丹尼尔·莱昂斯(Daniel Lyons)。


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