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published in(发表于) 2016/11/5 9:16:09 Edit(编辑)
His Facebook at 6 million, but still-mouth,

His Facebook at 6 million, but still-mouth,(他任职Facebook,年薪六百万,却仍然哭穷,)



His Facebook at 6 million, but still-mouth-IT information

Just before the Facebook IPO the 2011 round of financing, Antonio Garcia Martinez became the product manager of Facebook. His job is to develop Facebook advertising products, and launched ad platform FBX, however this product failed.

Garcia Martinez left Facebook in 2013, and publishing of the chaos monkey (Chaos Monkeys), this book describes his work with Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. The chaos monkey may be from the perspective of employee social media Internet giant company worked the best, most detailed description.

Book describes some of the Facebook culture interesting details, such as not allowing female employees to dress "expose" so that colleagues "distraction", and so on, but the most important thing is about employee pay statements.

Garcia Martinez said, treatment is not very high for many staff – it seems is not surprising, because Northern California between the scientists and the competition is fierce. However, Garcia Martinez in greater depth on the basis of a layer. His salary, stocks, options and bonuses detailed records of the details of his income.

Although Facebook's salary was not secret, but see a Facebook employee described in such detail that they get paid, is still quite rare. Result is that even if you can get $1 million in revenue, still won't feel wealthy, Garcia Martinez writes:

Facebook initially provided the income level of US $175,000 (salary, about 1.15 million yuan), with 75000 shares of company stock, shares in cash for a period of four years. I successfully 5,000 shares for cash to pay the credit card bill, I bought a new car and I was a sailboat, a total of $200,000 in cash. Then there was 70,000 shares. If I and the company's normal (our rewards based on individual performance summary, and Zuckerberg took a multiplier factor of randomness in a company-wide choice to decide), I will receive a cash award of 7% to 15%.

Garcia Martinez said the IPO fundraising on this day, his income is such that:

$38 per share x (70000 ÷ 4 + bonus 3000 per year) + ($ 175000 in basic salary + $17500 year-end bonus) = $971500 salary;

That is about 6.6 million Yuan! This is playing God paid?! But it is not finished, and also to pay taxes! There are housing prices in Silicon Valley!

Paid off a lot of tax, Garcia Martinez left $550,000 (about 3.7 million yuan). San Francisco area average apartment prices in the US $1 million (about RMB 6.8 million) to us $3 million (about RMB 20 million yuan). Garcia Martinez said, so even if it's from the numbers is a San Francisco millionaire, in fact you will feel in a middle-class.

If Garcia Martinez each retain a stake in the unit, he will be much richer now. After the IPO wheels, Facebook is very popular in youth groups, Facebook now trading at $131 per share (about 880 Yuan. Note: figures are released for this article).

Many Facebook employees much earlier than the time he joined the company from the IPO after the round, employees emerged many millionaires. Garcia Martinez said, later appeared in a "degenerate" atmosphere, employees have to spend heavily to buy luxury cars:

"I was not fully aware of these, when I first went to Facebook, the company is open, everyone stared at the share price of the company, but I quickly realized. I not only saw their fortunes change quickly (though not in an entirely "fucking"), is also aware of the people around them. From those who are a little bit ridiculous night (I ordered a double steak dinner and got a four-digit number of the invoice), parked in a car park soon Porsche, Corvette, and even a Ferrari. ”

"While all companies must have strict discipline within the company, but Facebook does a decadent atmosphere. That was what happened later, when at that time, I seem to be going to a higher level, not just subsistence, bank deposits will also be increased. ”

Cried so much poorer, while lashing out at corruption in the past, but Garcia Martinez was living in Washington on a boat.

他任职Facebook,年薪六百万,却仍然哭穷 - IT资讯

就在Facebook 2011年进行IPO轮融资前,Antonio Garcia Martinez成为了Facebook的产品经理。他的工作是研发Facebook的广告产品,并推出了广告交易平台FBX,然而这款产品最终失败。

Garcia Martinez于2013年离开了Facebook,并出版了《混乱的猴子》(Chaos Monkeys),这本书描述了他在Facebook与扎克伯格一起工作的情形。《混乱的猴子》可能是从普通员工角度对社交媒体网络巨头公司工作经历的最好、最细节化的描述。


Garcia Martinez称,很多员工的待遇并不很高——这似乎也并不让人惊讶,因为北加利福利亚的科技工作者之间竞争非常激烈。不过,Garcia Martinez在此基础上更深入了一层。他按工资、股票、期权和奖金的分类详细记录了他的具体收入。

虽然Facebook的薪资水平并非机密,但看到一个Facebook员工如此详细地描述他们获得的报酬,还是挺少见的。结果是,哪怕你能获得100万美元的总收入,仍然不会感到富有,Garcia Martinez在书中写道:


Garcia Martinez说,在进行IPO轮融资的这一天,他的收入是这么算的:

每股38美元×(70000股÷4年+每年奖励的3000股)+(175000美元的基本工资+17500美元年终奖金)= 971500美元年薪;


在交完一大笔税后,Garcia Martinez剩下了55万美元(约合人民币370万元)。而旧金山地区中等的公寓价格在100万美元(约合人民币680万元)到300万美元(约合人民币2000万元)不等。Garcia Martinez说,所以哪怕从数字上看是一位旧金山的百万富翁,实际上还是会感觉到身处中产阶级。

如果Garcia Martinez留住了股份中的每一股,他现在会富有得多。在IPO轮之后,Facebook在青少年群体中非常受欢迎,现在Facebook每股交易价为131美元(约合人民币880元。注:均为本文发布时数字)。

许多Facebook员工比他进入公司的时间早得多,从IPO轮之后,员工内涌现了许多百万富翁。Garcia Martinez说,后来公司内出现了一种“堕落”的氛围,员工纷纷花重金购买豪车:



虽然哭了这么多穷,虽然痛斥了过去的腐化堕落,但是Garcia Martinez现在还是住在华盛顿的一条船上。

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