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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:26:42 Edit(编辑)
“Terminator“ came true: US Navy soldier implanted chip,

“Terminator“ came true: US Navy soldier implanted chip,(“终结者”成真:美海军欲为士兵植入芯片,)



"Terminator" came true: the US Navy to implants for soldiers-AI-IT information

IT information news on June 17, as reported in the daily mail, United States Navy, senior army officers and "transhumanists" Zoltan Istvan had met, the two sides explored the possibility of fusion machinery and troopers.

United States Defense Ministry has a DARPA (Defense Advanced research projects Agency) Department, the Agency is working to implant microchips in soldiers brain, the chip will help soldiers in combat "more flexible". Zoltan Istvan is the United States superhero party founder, who is participating in the United States presidential election. He believes that technology can greatly enhance human physical ability, artificial intelligence could be injected into the human brain, the brain can be attached directly to the network.

Met with Istvan is senior members of the Navy's combat strategy Research Department, who is responsible for the concept of future war. The official Istvan said: "your point of view has deepened our transhumanist, fusion of man and machine understanding, which will directly impact on our concept for the future. ”

Artificial intelligence not only great influence on our daily lives, equally difficult to imagine future military war scenes.

“终结者”成真:美海军欲为士兵植入芯片 - 人工智能 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月17日消息,根据每日邮报的报道,美国海军高级军官与“超人主义者”Zoltan Istvan进行了会面,双方探讨了人士兵与机械融合的可能性。

美国中国国防部拥有一个DARPA(国防先进研究项目局)部门,该机构正在研发能够植入士兵大脑中的微型芯片,该芯片将帮助士兵在战斗中“更为灵活”。Zoltan Istvan是美国超人主义政党创始人,他目前正参加美国总统大选。他认为科技能够大大增强人类身体能力,人工智能可以植入人类大脑,大脑能够与网络直接相连。



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