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published in(发表于) 2016/11/4 10:18:09 Edit(编辑)
Microsoft’s browser share declines sharply: throw some 40 million users,

Microsoft’s browser share declines sharply: throw some 40 million users,(微软浏览器份额下滑急速:再丢4000万用户,)



Microsoft's browser share declines sharply: throw some 40 million users-IT information

According to new report released by Net Applications, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge overall last month users share only 28.4%, this figure was lower than in September 2.3%. In other words, now has 40 million users seems to be giving up using Microsoft's browser.

Last year, Microsoft Internet Explorer users have been declining-October 2015 the total number hit a record low, only 466 million users share, and September compared with 506 million figure, spent 40 million less. Last December, the total number of exceptions--users up to 800 million users, hit a record high.

It appears that Windows of 10 years under the Edge browser a lot of effort and not understood by consumers--with Microsoft in order to optimize the user experience, increase many expanded capabilities in the browser, including the AdBlock function.

The obvious contrast is, Mozilla Firefox user share rose 2% in the same period, and has now reached 11.1%. This figure shows, the majority of users have alternatives to Firefox as a strong Edge. As a giant, Google Chrome browser user share of October has reached 55%, up 0.6% from last month.

微软浏览器份额下滑急速:再丢4000万用户 - IT资讯

根据Net Applications最新发布的报告,上个月Internet Explorer和微软Edge的总体用户份额仅为28.4%,这个数字比9月下降了2.3%。也就是说,目前有4000万用户似乎正在放弃使用微软浏览器。


这么看来,Windows 10周年在Edge浏览器方面下的诸多苦功夫并没有被广大消费者理解——微软方面为了优化用户体验,在浏览器上增加了很多拓展功能,其中包括AdBlock功能等。

与之形成鲜明反差的是,同期Mozilla火狐用户份额增长了2%,目前已经达到11.1%。这个数字说明,广大用户已经将火狐视为 Edge 强大的替代品。作为另一家巨头,谷歌Chrome浏览器10月的用户份额达到了55%,比上个月增长了0.6%。

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