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published in(发表于) 2016/6/4 6:50:30 Edit(编辑)
Samsung grievances: Apple patent claims too much,

Samsung grievances: Apple patent claims too much,(三星吐苦水:苹果专利索赔太多,)



Samsung grievances: Apple patent claims too much-Samsung, Apple, patents-IT information

On June 4, according to the CNET media coverage of science and technology, United States Supreme Court brief hearing on Wednesday, started to review Samsung Smartphone violated Apple's patent infringement case. Samsung presents his own opinion in the courts, they think the Supreme Court should reverse a ruling, at least a new trial is necessary. 

Samsung believes that Apple only from this part of the smart phone of its infringing Apple patents design of compensation, including the front rounded rectangle design, user interface grid distribution, rather than request earnings from Samsung to sell mobile phone into . Samsung said this "design patent was overvalued" behavior will harm competition and innovation will be led in other proceedings "ridiculous results". 

Samsung said in a statement: " If the current ruling was implemented, that would mean tens of thousands of patents for breakthrough technology, individual design patents were greatly overvalued . "Apple has yet to comment on this. 

3- month United States Supreme Court agreed to review Samsung and Apple patent dispute for a long time, this is since 19th century, United States Supreme Court for the first time involved in patent infringement litigation . The Supreme Court's ruling will have a ripple effect throughout the scientific community, and eventually affect the products you buy, because this ruling will ultimately define the value of the design work.

Samsung hopes to design patent coverage of the Supreme Court are given clear guidance, including how to protect patents and use them, and how to compensate. At present, many patent disputes are the plaintiff from the defendant the whole equipment get profits in accordance with the ratio of paid fees for patent infringement, rather than just getting the design aspects of compensation. Apple and Samsung in a lawsuit, which led to Apple's initial to the Samsung claim as much as $ 1 billion. 

Apple and Samsung legal proceedings started in 2011, Apple accused Samsung has copied the iPhone's many designs. In 2012, after the judgement of the Court, Samsung has appealed, but in May 2015, the United States Court of appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed. 

Apple and Samsung had agreed last year on an overseas dispute to reach a settlement, but they are in the United States showdown continues in court. Last December, Samsung said it would follow the Court ruling to pay Apple $ 548 million in damages .

三星吐苦水:苹果专利索赔太多 - 三星,苹果,专利 - IT资讯








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