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published in(发表于) 2016/10/29 12:18:37 Edit(编辑)
Former employee disclosure: theft of United States Council information is very easy,

Former employee disclosure: theft of United States Council information is very easy,(前员工爆料:窃取美国安局资料非常容易,)



Former employee disclosure: theft of United States Council is easy-IT information

Beijing time on October 29, according to foreign media reports, aidehua·sinuodeng (Edward Snowden) due to leaks, including United States National Security Agency (NSA) "prisms" within the project in the United States Government secret intelligence watch fame. But the NSA contractor, worked with Lord Snowdon haluode·Mading employed by the same company (HaroldMartin), might be considered as United States history eavesdropper.

Martin arrested

In late August, 51 years old, Martin was FBI raids in their homes and were arrested. According to the latest indictment, Martin was accused of stealing a number of NSA more than 10 computers and tens of thousands of documents in the server. It is reported that in 20 years of cooperation with the NSA, Martin stole files, data size exceeds the 50TB.

Initially, the theft of Martin was accused of misdemeanors only, but soon upgraded to spying by the authorities, partly because he stole a large amount of confidential data. Face criminal charges, Martin or face 10 years in prison.

We it is not clear how authorities discovered and caught Martin. But the larger question is: How did Martin steal such a large amount of data, and for such a long time, why it had not been found?

Easy stealing

Former NSA employee, who asked not to be named, said Martin is likely to ease after stealing secret documents and blatantly from the NSA came out of the front door.

"Gates of NSA Security staff, feel free to check it from the staff bag or tote bag, and do not check their clothes pockets," the employee said. This left NSA employees in seven or eight years ago, he worked on multiple positions at NSA for nearly 30 years. "As long as it is can put down anything in their pockets, are able to take out, no problem," he added.

Another former NSA employees agree with this statement, he left NSA in seven or eight years ago. "In fact, NSA security system that can scan all the employees," the former employee said, and hinted at NSA Headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland in front of the security system is very bad. Approximately 30,000 employees work at NSA Headquarters, these employees leave the building every day to carry out security checks, usually takes a few hours.

The second employee said, the vast majority of NSA employees through security is proven and NSA have an inherent trust for its employees. No wonder the United States Director of national intelligence James Clapper (JamesClapper) said in 2014, it will not appear to leak like Snowdon, because the security of the institution "based on personal trust."

Technical obsolescence

Because this involves national security, according to Martin's indictment did not say how the NSA computer and server gets the data. But two former NSA employees talk about their personal views.

"Based on what he did, (Martin) may have used a USB memory stick," the first employee said. According to market data show that over the past more than 20 years, USB storage size exponentially, Martin is slowly and gradually succeeding.

Second ex-employees say, theft of data is not difficult, because NSA focused on "some of the best hackers in the world".

Understanding "Martin steal data", almost all of them mentioned the case with Lord Snowdon, because do not know how the mastermind of two cases from the NSA access to data in the system. But according to a report, said multiple intelligence sources, snow means of theft of data is very simple, just "some thumb-size USB flash drive, and would like to use the old loophole in the security system" can be realized. Quoted one source as saying, in 2013, the NSA still use the 2003 technology. ”

"I'm sure they found a (Cleanup) method, this method will not be detected. "The employee said, but gave no further details, but he added that the system probably will not end" normal or moderately skilled Insider "operations.

Martin's lawsuit claims the FBI found in a letter written by Martin, who boasted of "found a great deal (NSA) technology secrets," and suggested that NSA's system is not as expected, so safe, "you lack the most basic security practices, that you are the best. Things like bread and butter will trip you up. At this point, believe me "

However, little is known about Martin. Their LinkedIn page, Martin's identity has been a contractor and consultant roles over the years, and served as China's Defense Ministry consultant.

前员工爆料:窃取美国安局资料非常容易 - IT资讯

北京时间10月29日消息,据外媒报道,爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)因泄密包括美国国家安全局(NSA)“棱镜”项目在内美国政府多个秘密情报监视项目而名声大噪。但NSA的承包商、曾与斯诺登受雇于同一家公司的哈罗德·马丁(HaroldMartin),则可能成为美国历史上最大的窃密者。


















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