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published in(发表于) 2016/10/28 5:51:53 Edit(编辑)
Very funny: when the world’s most famous paintings. GIF,

Very funny: when the world’s most famous paintings. GIF,(很搞笑:当世界名画变成.GIF,)



Very funny: when the world's most famous paintings. GIF-IT information

IT information news on October 28, funny GIF reticulocyte Kajetan Obarski is well known abroad, he has a special ability is to make some of the world famous "unrecognizable", he made famous when moving, you will find that a writer's imagination is the jump take off.

As one network edit, Kajetan Obarski in modified paintings of when also will will which into many modern technology of elements, let van Gogh high, and Michael Angelo Qi Luo, and Leonardo da Vinci, and leinei·magelite, master works of characters play self-timer, and brush phone, with computer Office, listening to CD, a are vivid, even also some paintings was he put together up, quite some charm, looks behind like has a small story.

Of course, there are some dirty jokes, but also made people laugh. Maybe some of you have seen of his work, but before, you may not know about these funny GIF is from the hand of Kajetan Obarski.

很搞笑:当世界名画变成.GIF - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 10月28日消息,Kajetan Obarski是国外知名的搞笑GIF网红,他有一项特殊的能力,就是让一些世界名画变得“面目全非”,他让名画动起来的时候,你会觉得这个作者的想象力是有多跳脱。

作为一名网络编辑,Kajetan Obarski在修改名画的时候也会将其中融入很多现代科技的元素,让梵高、米开朗琪罗,以及达芬奇、雷内·马格利特等大师笔下的人物玩自拍、刷手机,用电脑办公,听CD,一个个都活灵活现,甚至还有些名画被他拼凑起来,颇有些韵味,看起来背后像有一段小故事。

当然,其中也有一些听污的段子,但也颇让人忍俊不禁。或许他的作品有些你已经见过,但在之前,你或许不知道这些搞笑的GIF是出自Kajetan Obarski之手。

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