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Unlimited Web, unlimited power! Count Thomas g 9 great creative genius,

Unlimited Web, unlimited power! Count Thomas g 9 great creative genius,(无限网络,无限电力!盘点马斯克9大天才创意,)



Unlimited Web, unlimited power! Count Thomas g 9 big genius idea-horse gram, Tesla-IT information

We all know that ailong·masike (Elon Musk) is a genius business adventurer. ' Iron man ' is based on his story is said to have modelled. Played inventor stark Downey proposed to the Director of the film, to play a role it is best to talk with musk. Mr MASKEY is stark's real life.

Headquartered in United States startups Hyperloop One in Los Angeles has just announced the completion of $ 80 million b round financing and initial public demonstration of its "super high speed rail" System. It sets rapid transit ideas online payment company PayPal co-founder, Tesla Electric Company and United States space exploration company SpaceX founder Yilong·masike (Elon Musk) first. Musk is often proposed unorthodox ideas, United Kingdom media count musk 9 big genius idea.

In 2013, musk first proposed rapid transit "super high speed rail" ideas, and push them to light. "Super high speed rail" to "capsule car" transport, "capsule" on steel pipes, and at nearly the speed of sound to the destination. This set of systems using solar panels for power, just 35 minutes from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Not long ago, Hyperloop One received $ 80 million in financing and related to ARUP and the Amberg Group, Systra and Bjarke Ingels Group partnership. On May 11, Hyperloop One in the suburbs of Las Vegas for the first time on "super high speed rail" for public demonstrations.

Tesla electric car company is committed to making cheap and practical electric cars, to accelerate the transition to sustainable development in the world. Mr MASKEY said that just over a 2 day period, Tesla's latest electric vehicle Model 3 of the deposit has reached 10 billion US dollars. Model 3 for $ 35,000, will be delivered starting in 2017, the medium-term. Model 3 is expected to produce more than Model x models, such as smooth, which was delayed 3 year delivery due to technical reasons.

After selling online payment company PayPal, musk in 2002 to create a United States space exploration company SpaceX, aims to reduce the cost of space travel, and that everyone should have the opportunity to go into space. In 2014, SpaceX, and Boeing began to ferry astronauts and supplies to the ISS, daily may no longer dream of space travel.

This year, musk plans to build low-cost Wi-Fi, even the most remote places on earth can access to network services. Musk plans to launch 4000 satellites into low-Earth orbit, for the poorest and most remote parts of the world to provide network services, the plan is expected to be put into operation within the next 5 years. OneNet founder geleige·weile (Greg Wyler) is also developing a similar plan, and United Kingdom supported by Virgin Group and Qualcomm, which may cause some trouble to musk.

On the Reddit site "Ask Me Anything" sector, Mr MASKEY has revealed its plan to use new spacecraft Mars colonization. The new spacecraft will be launched by the end of this year. SpaceX has become the first private company carrying supplies for the international space station, realize the colonization of Mars seems to be not far away.

Musk plans to build reusable rockets to reduce the cost of space travel. The rockets can be launched into space and returned safely to Earth, and can be used repeatedly. This will make space travel cost has dropped significantly, in line with the musk of their vision.

Musk Super factory is located in United States, Nevada, to production of large lithium-ion batteries for Tesla electric car. The plant is the world's largest building, a total investment of more than $ 100 billion. Tesla company estimates, the company is currently manufacturing the car's speed, from 2015 to 2020, each with an annual output of up to 500,000 vehicles, Tesla needs all over the world for its production of lithium-ion batteries.

Are not subject to the control of artificial intelligence, musk's attitude is very clear, said its threat for human survival. He has already invested $ 10 million to ensure the safety of artificial intelligence, musk and Stephen Hawking (Stephen Hawking), who want to highlight the artificial intelligence development of related risks, and ensuring human security provides a more secure option for the future.

Mr MASKEY have now become the largest shareholder of SolarCity. His goal is clear, that is collecting and storing enough civilization of mankind using solar energy. To do this, musk has acquired Silevo monocrystalline PV module manufacturers, and plans in the United States built the largest solar power station. Mr MASKEY also plans to open in 2017 battery factory, store collection of sunlight, so that in the winter and night stand.

无限网络,无限电力!盘点马斯克9大天才创意 - 马斯克,特斯拉 - IT资讯

大家都知道埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)是天才创业冒险家。据说《钢铁侠》是以他的故事为蓝本。扮演电影中的发明家斯塔克的唐尼向导演建议,为演好角色最好能和马斯克聊聊。马斯克所过的就是斯塔克的真实人生。

总部位于美国洛杉矶的初创企业Hyperloop One刚刚宣布完成B轮8000万美元融资,并首次公开演示其“超级高铁”系统。这套高速运输系统的创意是在线支付公司PayPal联合创始人、特斯拉电动汽车公司和美国太空技术探索公司SpaceX创始人伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)首先提出的。马斯克经常提出一些非常规的创意,英国媒体近日盘点了马斯克的9大天才想法。

2013年,马斯克首次提出高速运输系统“超级高铁”创意,并且将之公诸于众。“超级高铁”以“胶囊车厢”为运输工具,将“胶囊”置于钢铁管道之中,然后以接近音速的速度送至目的地。这套系统全部使用太阳能电池板为动力,从旧金山到洛杉矶仅需35分钟。不久前,Hyperloop One获得8000万美元融资,并与ARUP、Amberg Group、Systra以及Bjarke Ingels Group等结成合作关系。5月11日,Hyperloop One首次在拉斯维加斯郊外对“超级高铁”进行了公开演示。

特斯拉电动汽车公司致力于制造廉价而实用的电动汽车,以加速世界向可持续发展方向过渡。马斯克曾表示,仅仅在2天时间内,特斯拉最新电动汽车Model 3的订金已达100亿美元。Model 3售价3.5万美元,将于2017年中期开始交付。预计Model 3的生产可能比Model X等车型更顺利,后者曾因工程技术原因延迟3年交付。


今年,马斯克计划建造低成本Wi-Fi,即使是地球上最偏远的地区也可享受网络服务。马斯克计划向近地轨道发射4000颗卫星,为世界上最贫困国家和最偏远地区提供网络服务,这个计划有望在未来5年内投入运行。可是OneNet创始人格雷格·韦勒(Greg Wyler)也在研发类似计划,并且获得英国维珍集团和高通公司的支持,这可能给马斯克带来些麻烦。

在Reddit网站的“Ask Me Anything”板块中,马斯克曾透露其使用新的飞船殖民火星的计划。这种新飞船将在今年年底推出。SpaceX已经成为首家为国际空间站运送补给的私人公司,实现火星殖民似乎不再遥远。



对于不受控制的人工智能,马斯克的态度非常明确,称其为人类生存威胁。他已经投资1000万美元用于确保人工智能安全,马斯克和史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)等人希望凸显当前人工智能开发存在的相关风险,并为确保人类未来安全提供更安全选择。


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