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published in(发表于) 2016/10/28 5:51:48 Edit(编辑)
Social commercial breakthrough, NetEase LOFTER team,

Social commercial breakthrough, NetEase LOFTER team,(社交商业化难突破,网易LOFTER团队解散,)



Social commercial breakthrough, NetEase LOFTER team-IT information

Outgoing messages this morning, NetEase LOFTER product development team officially disbanded, NetEase insiders have confirmed the news to be true.

We hypothesized that NetEase go LOFTER not open around after all "money".

LOFTER NetEase was launched in 2011 and a photo application, first learning object is the light originator blog Tumblr. Over the years, LOFTER gave the impression of being a tremendous beauty products, from UI to UGC content, photography, designer group consisting mainly of seeds laid the LOFTER user community keynote.

However, products, Mitsuyoshi is not enough. LOFTER 4, 5 years since the birth of time, little contribution on net earnings.

It's no wonder the LOFTER, literary quality product does not make money appear to be common. The most typical is the watercress and toss back and forth over the years several commercial projects, such as movie tickets, Bazaar and things are not much better (now the watercress to focus on film and television, but also see the results). And even the standard Tumblr facing commercial difficulties, it is learnt that Tumblr has, after being bought by Yahoo set a goal of $ 100 million in annual sales, can never achieve.

Generally, there are two reasons for this disease caused. A team of property decision, the makers of such products are often product design and construct logical proficiency, but lack of experience in business; some even have obsessions in the purity of the product, so indecisive at the liquidation strategy. But on the other hand, their users are often unique and splendid products qualities attracted, so once the product becomes somewhat "rotten" raises the old user's resistance.

In fact, compared to other products, in order to break through the "small is beautiful" LOFTER initiatives can be said to be very bold.

In February this year, LOFTER in version 5.0, replace the entire UI+LOGO. While there was a lot of old user's protests, LOFTER objective is very clear: meet the activity more of younger users, to train them to be supporting LOFTER main force of development. Indeed, LOFTER started supporting the second element content, know early if not for SLR photography is recommended by the little LOFTER website.

Social or Community products are always looking for the next new user with improved capacity of hematopoietic, LOFTER team obviously thinks so. LOFTER product owner saga has said: "social networking is something edgier, the older users will not necessarily social networking on the Internet. The other hand, 95 more spending power, their parents ' financial ability is very good, and very willing to pay for my stuff. 95, therefore, may have done after, generation now is not such a State. ”

5.0 launched, LOFTER on commercialization of the tilt is also growing.

In May this year, officially declared LOFTER foray into e-commerce, launched the LOFTER Mall, LOFTER ART,LOFTER printing three plates. Now open the LOFTER, in a conspicuous position in the personal home page with two entrances, all for electrical contractor equipped with, a welfare market, second, music prints. Former watercress-like market, specializing in entertainment and design-oriented, the user can apply to become a seller, and the latter provides a service, LOFTER accumulate pictures into real customers.

But these are after all a small sales. Small user base, low unit price exclusive of, goods are not particularly strong, resulting in electrical contractor did not become the engine of LOFTER hematopoietic.

For the NetEase, deserves even more attention is obviously now can earn a higher market value for themselves, games and e-commerce business. Cant LOFTER, do not let it go.

社交商业化难突破,网易LOFTER团队解散 - IT资讯











今年5月,LOFTER正式对外宣布进军电商,推出LOFTER商城,LOFTER ART,LOFTER印品三个板块。现在打开LOFTER,在个人主页的显眼位置设有两个入口,都是为电商配备的,一是福利市集,二是乐乎印品。前者类似豆瓣市集,以贩卖文娱和设计小物为主,用户可申请成为卖家,后者则提供了一种服务,能把用户在LOFTER上积累的图片变为实物。



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