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published in(发表于) 2016/10/27 6:12:24 Edit(编辑)
2016 Forbes China rich list released: Wang first, MA second,

2016 Forbes China rich list released: Wang first, MA second,(福布斯2016中国富豪榜公布:王健林第一,马云第二,)



2016 Forbes China rich list released: Wang first, MA-IT II information

IT information news on October 27, today's Forbes magazine's website announced the 2016 China rich list, Wang Jianlin, Chairman of Wanda group to $ 33 billion worth of won the first, Chairman Jack Ma, Alibaba and Tencent Board Chairman Ma Huateng, CEO followed.

In addition, NetEase's Board of directors Chairman and CEO William Ding, ranked fourth, Baidu Chairman and CEO Robin Li was ranked seventh.

Previously published by the Forbes Global rich list, Bill Gates, with total assets of $ 78 billion to continue won "the richest man" throne, Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma and founder of Tencent pony Ma, respectively to $ 25.8 billion and total assets of $ 22 billion in 8th and 9th.

福布斯2016中国富豪榜公布:王健林第一,马云第二 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 10月27日消息,今天《福布斯》杂志网站公布了2016年度中国富豪排行榜,万达集团董事长王健林以330亿美元的身价蝉联第一,阿里巴巴董事长马云腾讯董事会主席兼CEO马化腾分列二、三位。



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