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published in(发表于) 2016/10/26 3:58:55 Edit(编辑)
KFC bucket family enough, United States old claim $ 20 million

KFC bucket family enough, United States old claim $ 20 million(KFC全家桶不够家人吃,美国老太索赔2000万美元,)



KFC bucket family enough, United States USD 20 million for old-IT information

According to the reference News reported on October 25, Hong Kong media said the United States State of New York to a woman earlier in Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) home buying fried chicken bucket meal with your family to enjoy, but fried chicken stuffed with display advertising the components found discrepancies in the entire barrel. She found the misleading, so resort to the courts to claim 20 million dollars (about 140 million RMB).

64 year old woman Vits Bougueres (Anna Wurtzburger) this summer to buy fried chicken bucket meal but find components and describe a great discrepancy. She said: "I said back home where fried chicken? I think fried chicken meals component ... ... They (the ads) said enough for the family to eat, fried chicken in a whole barrel full of advertising, but in fact only half a bucket of fried chicken! They make a false market, food intake was enough for a family to eat. ”

Vits Bougueres call Georgia KFC headquarters, KFC responded that she purchased a 8 piece chicken meal, and in order to let people see a bucket of fried chicken, will put ads in a place like fried chicken stuffed with paper barrel, also Vits Bougueres compensation of US $ 70 coupon. Vits Bougueres discontent, finally decided to claim $ 20 million (approximately 140 million RMB). KFC said the woman accused of unreasonable, asking the Court to withdraw.

United States the woman encounters, Chinese netizens expressed empathy.

For components of China's KFC bucket, probably belong to the family "one full, not hungry family" type.

Also, according to this logic, in fact, a lot of company suspected fraud, such as ... ...

KFC全家桶不够家人吃,美国老太索赔2000万美元 - IT资讯


64岁妇人维茨布格尔(Anna Wurtzburger)于今夏购买炸鸡桶餐,但发现分量与广告描述的有很大出入。她称:“我回到家后说炸鸡在哪儿?我以为炸鸡分量够吃多餐……他们(广告)称够一家人吃,在广告里的炸鸡放满一整桶,但实际上只有半桶炸鸡!他们作虚假推销,食物份量根本不够一家人吃。”





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