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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:04:22 Edit(编辑)
Men make shopping smart phones, receiving high imitation goods,

Men make shopping smart phones, receiving high imitation goods,(男子托人网购智能手机,收货竟成高仿货,)



Men make shopping smart phones, high imitation goods-receipt there is a cottage, smart phones-IT news

Principal colleague buy a new mobile phone from the mobile website, but are "knockoffs." Then, Ding Xue a compensation of the purchasers of the public phone 799 Yuan. On March 30, the reporter learned from the liuzhou city intermediate people's Court, and eventually sit on the unofficial Web site of the court ordering a cell phone is the direct cause of the loss, and that of Ding's own fault, upheld the first instance decision, by a compensation Ding Xue mobile phone loss 479.4.

In April 2015, Ding Xue 800 Yuan, he helped buy a brand of mobile phone from the mobile phone website. A month later, Xue told Ding, phone is purchased. Due to sit a say to themselves on their official website the day before buying the phone difficult, Ding on its website a suspected cell phone is purchased, so they asked, Xue did not reply. Cell phone use failed shortly after, Ding to the mobile phone authorized service centers repairing mobile, but was informed by maintenance personnel phone is "Cottage", could not be given maintenance, leading to Ding handset not work correctly for a long time.

Ding Xue spoofing himself in a purchase, think, so will sit to liubei District Court, claims to buy phones 799 Yuan.

Liubei District Court believes that Xue is a person with full civil capacity, and some online shopping experience. Therefore, on the unofficial Web site to buy phones, are likely to buy fake mobile phones, Xue can foresee the consequences . But Xue did not take normal measures (on the official website of brand mobile phone buying) to avoid the consequences of which resulted in plaintiff purchased the phone are faked. Following the discovery of the problem, Xue has not taken any measures to compensate for the damage being inflicted on the plaintiff, not the obligation to do good, careful handling the entrusted affair, there is gross negligence, the plaintiff's loss should be liable.

Meanwhile, Ding pickup and was personally involved in the inspection process, and its final beneficiaries as a matter of principal, should carefully verify the authenticity of mobile phones, for better or worse, and after cell phone are faked, should take the initiative and actively contact seller by means of rights to make up for their losses. However, he did not actually due diligence to comply with these obligations, there is a fault, should also bear the responsibility for the loss.

Therefore, according to the faults on both sides of the Court, judgment Mr bear the liability for damages of 60%, Ding 40% of the loss; it should sit some compensation for loss of phone fees to plaintiffs 479.4, Ding's own 319.6 Yuan loss.

Ding appealed against the judgment of first instance, to liuzhou city intermediate people's Court of appeal, dismissed the appeal and upheld the.

男子托人网购智能手机,收货竟成高仿货 - 山寨机,智能手机 - IT资讯








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