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published in(发表于) 2016/10/23 10:54:16 Edit(编辑)
Facial wrinkles are not only exposed to age, may indicate heart disease,

Facial wrinkles are not only exposed to age, may indicate heart disease,(面部皱纹不仅暴露年龄,还可预示心脏病,)



Facial wrinkles are not only exposed to age, also indicate a heart attack-IT information

How to make your skin stay young? According to the daily mail of London reported, United States Association of Dermatology found that UV rays cause skin aging cause it will make the skin losing more collagen, becomes rough, loose, spots. Even in more than 20 years of age, aging is ongoing, so to keep the skin young, Sun cannot afford to ignore.

United States to study the causes of skin aging at Massachusetts General Hospital found that Sun-oriented women and even fewer wrinkles and age spots, and Ruddy complexion, looks much younger than his age. Sunscreen is the best way a physical sunscreen. Umbrellas, sun visor mirror, visor, use them without hesitation. Can also be put on sunscreen. However, note that not only wiped out, should be around 20 minutes before you go out. And use of adequate. Exposed in the Sun for two hours, it should be re-apply a sunscreen.

Keep skin healthy attention to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking and there was a significant association between smoking and wrinkles earlier. Smoking causes body organs such as the skin of oxygen, nutrient deficiency, increase the number of free radicals in human cells, which is a major cause of skin aging. In addition, car exhaust and other pollutants will lead to early wrinkles, should try to reduce the chance of contact with.

Should as far as possible keep the supine sleeping position. Sleep is always lying on the left side or right side, more likely to lead to one side of the face wrinkles. Sleep lying on the pillow easily "sleep line" amount easier formation of Crow's feet, frown lines and forehead line. Best sleeping on your back to prevent wrinkles. Note use a moisturizing cream. Washing frequency or time of use moisturizing cream, easily lead to skin cells dry out, dark, increasing wrinkles. Good Moisturiser to keep skin moisture, reducing wrinkles.

Also of note was, wrinkles are often seen as signs of aging of the skin, for example, osteoporosis risk. United States Yale University researchers found that skin is a window of bone health. Researchers surveyed more than more than 100 after menopause women found that wrinkles up to most of the women's bone density is lowest. The study said: collagen is an important component of bones and skin, its numbers decreased as they grow older.

In addition, the wrinkles but also warning risk of early heart disease. Diagonal wrinkles on earlobe may be early warning of heart problems. United States xidesixinai Medical Center in Los Angeles found that earlobes have the creases were more likely to check out heart disease. Experts say such wrinkles is due to tiny blood vessels caused by the collapse of the flow to the ear lobe, it reflects changes in the blood vessels around the heart.

Netherlands, Leiden University Medical Center researchers found that women who looks younger than his age and wrinkle less lower blood pressure. Research also shows that compared with peers, upper arm from long-lived families, participants are less likely to wrinkle.

Anxiety troubles can make people wrinkle. United States New York City dermatologists zhennite·puleisituofusiji said: when people are under stress, you'll frown, over time, formed a permanent wrinkles in the forehead. Facial wrinkles in other regions, but also with the constant anxiety State allows the body to release a large amount of stress hormones, and degradation of collagen in the skin to some extent.

In addition, eating sweets will make the sugar and protein together easily in the human body form "of advanced glycation end products" material, the material will break down collagen and elastin, resulting in more fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. Researchers: best to use fruit instead of sweets, because they have the most resistance to glycosylation of performance, can reverse skin damage.

面部皱纹不仅暴露年龄,还可预示心脏病 - IT资讯










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