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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 7:48:33 Edit(编辑)
Super heavy blast: Alibaba investment stake in 360,

Super heavy blast: Alibaba investment stake in 360,(超重磅爆料:阿里巴巴投资入股360,)

Super heavy blast: Alibaba investment stake in Alibaba, the 360-360, 360 stakes in Alibaba, III, Alibaba, the odd Tiger 360-IT news Super heavy blast: Alibaba to fund the 360

Of 2014, shocked by a message, almost porridge spouted out profusely--the investment stake in Alibaba qihoo 360.

Came all the way from 2013, mega mergers, one after another, Penguin swallowed sogou, Baidu 91 billion eat ... ... BAT patterns become increasingly clear the Internet in China (BAT is Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent first-letter acronyms), 360-PC client more consecutive years ranked number one (a lot more than a QQ users on a daily basis), the Alibaba stake in Sina weibo and control after UC, stronger attempt turned out to be on the 360.

Not about morals, not about a love-hate relationship with the past, world-hee-hee, for profit, all the hustle and bustle in the world, all for profit.

There was a message from the peer, considered that this rumor is likely, is by no means groundless.

As we all know, 360 users and revenues from a series of client and navigate a Web site, although it is completely free, but the entrances to control user access and behavior, browser , internally the number one Web site navigation is a super tool. Shopping outlets are divided into application, game, transport, distribution pillars, navigation, advertising revenue is the major source of income. In its income from Taobao cat into a very large, Alibaba shares investment to 360, with proceeds.

360 super users and full control to the user in the name of security, is Tencent, Baidu watched helplessly as the several other, less pretentious.

Both Alibaba and qihoo 360 now has no official reaction, what is otherwise, the hype of explosive material, or completely true, in short, 2014, the beginning of the year, really calm.


超重磅爆料:阿里巴巴投资入股360 - 阿里巴巴投资360,阿里巴巴入股360,阿三,阿里巴巴,奇虎360 - IT资讯


从2013年一路走来,超级并购一个接着一个,企鹅吞下了搜狗,百度百亿吃掉91……中国互联网BAT的格局日渐清晰(BAT是Baidu、Alibaba、Tencent 的首字母缩写),360 更是连续多年雄踞排名第一的PC客户端(比QQ每日用户还要多很多哦),阿里巴巴在入股新浪微博和控制UC后,更猛的图谋竟然是盯上了360。







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