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published in(发表于) 2016/10/15 11:27:25 Edit(编辑)
4 boys to create stunning Chinese college dorm friends envy

4 boys to create stunning Chinese college dorm friends envy(4男生打造惊艳中国风大学宿舍,众网友很羡慕)



China to build stunning wind 4 boys college dorm, friends admire-college students, dorm-IT information

Speaking of college dormitory, in many people's minds is like this:

Perhaps better this way

Today we look at literary Chinese style bedroom is like?

Don't get your dorm, Bai Xue was designed. See how others design bedroom.

Green vegetation, tree branches, four treasures, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, art, full of students write their own pictures on the wall ... ...

This is 4 boys a month to create the "little house". They are all South University building product design class of 2015 with the art college students.

In order to be better decorated quarters, they paid 200 yuan per person to buy wooden flooring, wallpaper, chairs, curtains and other items. Finally designed a bedroom full of Chinese flavor road.

Hostel main sponsor is Chen Yongkang

He had a habit of traditional Chinese calligraphy, calligraphy and painting here. Despite the current school curriculum is too heavy, he adhered to every word, pruned potted plants, fish, seal, and so on. Bedroom pot himself, some brought from home.

Chen Yongkang majored in product design, he loves Chinese traditional culture is well and learning design, like this I prefer the Chinese will take care of the design will be of great help, but also can promote themselves have more deeper knowledge of painting and calligraphy. He said traditional culture is to do things in his life.

Referring to dormitory renovation of felt Chen Yongkang said: "talk about everything together cottage, take Jin Yu XI, the poor cannot be shown, the thick product sends thinly, the unity of knowledge and, someday, eventually will belong to our skies!! ”

The boys should not bar, laughing hongru, demand no tyro. Four of them together was fate.

Their dormitory as well as Convention reads: talking elegant, do not curse, no smoking alcoholism, a small sweep every day ...

You can imagine these four guys from the poems and songs about life in the bedroom. Picture will be beautiful ...

Boys ' dormitory, girl what are the residence halls like?

4男生打造惊艳中国风大学宿舍,众网友很羡慕 - 大学生,寝室 - IT资讯
















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